Lack of Education and Opportunities are Hurting Poor Children!

There is no dearth of articles, reports, surveys, statistics, and exhortations extolling the virtues of education as well as attaining literacy to meet...

The Indian Naval Inventory Should be Strengthened on a War Footing!

Any aspiring nation to be considered as a serious player worthy of recognition, acknowledgment, and reverence should be either economically strong and/or possess...

Women Should Have More Presence in Other Industries Too!

Whatever the talks of extending equal opportunities to both genders on the back of humongous technological advancements defining the present-day existence sadly continue...

Love Jihad Bogey Continues Hogging the Limelight is a Bad Sign Indeed!

The very mention of love jihad will make one cringy evoking strong emotions to deride the so-called crusaders from brandishing the moniker at...

Vaccination Drive has Crossed a Definite Milestone in India!

The Indian vaccination drive which was stuttering and meandering along for quite some time has picked up pace in the last few weeks....

All Historical Figures, Including Supposedly Divisive, Should be Incorporated in Textbooks!

As witnessed over the decades, the Indian education system has incorporated history as a subject has always succeeded in evoking controversies, some valid...

The Power of Friendship and the Relationship It Fosters is Unique!

There are certain relationships in our day-to-day lives that simply go beyond explanations, comprehensions, and categorizations which is usually the case with many...

Social Engineering, Dalit Empowerment, and Vote Bank Politics!

Since times immemorial, the bane of the country is class categorization based on caste, creed, religion, and race that continue to hold sway...

The Grand Old Party has Acted Belatedly in Punjab, is It Enough? Time Will Answer!

People closely following the political churnings in the country would not have missed the fast-unfolding events in Punjab over the last few months....

Must Read

Of Course, the BJP’s Quest to Provide Corruption-Free Administration is a Mirage!

The BJP-led National Democratic Alliance has successfully built up a narrative that offers the citizens a substantial glimpse of how the party with...

The Indian Premier League is Living up to Its Billing!

True cricket connoisseurs of the classical variety must be squirming with annoyance and inexplicable discomfort seeing the way the 17th edition of the...

Why and How Turncoat Politicians Continue to Remain Relevant?

The subject matter must be heavily weighed upon in the minds of concerned Indians who witness political leaders switching sides at the drop...