Deluge of Information – Blessing or Bane

Enforced lockdown courtesy COVID 19 has confined majority of the humanity to their respective habitations out of fear of contracting the dreaded virus. Social...

Cliches in Pan India Recognition of Armed Forces: Part V

It is unambiguously embedded in the charters governing the Indian Armed Forces to not only remain apolitical at all times but also accept...

Posting Travails in Armed Forces: Part IV

Respective recruiting agencies of three arms of the Armed Forces recruit personnel in different cadres’ right from Officers to JCOs to ORs (Other Ranks)...

Social Life of Armed Forces Personnel: Part III

As all of the Military Establishments / Stations / Units are out of bounds to unauthorized personnel, majority of the civilian population are not...

Harsh Living Conditions – Armed Forces: Part II

That the Armed Forces are constantly primed to battle out against external aggressions are a no brainer for most of us. By now, many...

Rerun of Classics – Daily Soaps

Bereft of fresh episodes owing to lockdown wrought by the pandemic raging across the world, hugely popular television industry is looking at innovative ideas...

Inside Views on Armed Forces : Part I

Indisputably, the Armed Forces continues to command a very special place in the echelons of any nation’s history and our country too is not...

Altered Equations: Senior Citizens in the Modern World

Widely prevalent not so long ago - restricting here to not later than couple of centuries for the sake of easy comprehension - closely...

Contemplation and Striking Rightful Balance in Life

Supreme powers of positive thinking, outlook, attitude, pleasant disposition, conscientious forbearance, balanced overview, uncluttered perceptions and some such characteristic traits are endowments that goes a...

Must Read

Fascinating to Know how Haryana Produces Sports Personalities Perpetually!

It is generally believed that India as a country sorely lacks the sporting culture abundantly witnessed in several other countries. Countries like the...

Why Democracies in the Subcontinent is Spiralling Out of Control?

Yes, the Indian subcontinent is surrounded by some of the smaller nations that were right on the path of economic development competing not...

The Visuals of the New Parliament Building Leaking Rainwater is Awful!

The entire country was overawed, mesmerized, and felt extremely elated no sooner than the new Parliamentary building was inaugurated last year by the...