Tennis Meastro Roger Federer Calling Time on His Beloved Sport was Expected!

Trust me, there are hardly a few towering sporting personalities who commanded such immense love, affection, admiration, respect, and awe as Roger Federer...

The SCO Summit Comes at An Interesting Stage for the Indian Establishment!

As you are aware, the geostrategic and geopolitical compulsions surrounding the global churnings are visible all around leading to the formation of alliances...

Cancer as a Disease is Widely Prevalent in India! But the Data Available is Inadequate!

The very mention of the dreaded C word never fails to send shivers down the spine of people irrespective of their status in...

Moonlighting or Side Gigs are Not a New Phenomenon! More Apparent Now, Though!

The subject matter need not be considered as anything new or as a novelty factor since the practice is quite prevalent among white-collar...

The Deluge of Illegal Loan Apps Luring Gullible Customers is a Menace!

Not a day passes without reports of individuals getting harangued by the illegal loan recovery representatives demanding the return of money lent at...

Hospitals can Not Compromise on the Hygiene and Cleanliness Factors!

The subject matter should be treated with utmost diligence and care by the healthcare stakeholders without any ambiguity surrounding the matter. Since hospitals...

India-china Bilateral Ties Will Continue to be Fragile in the Days Ahead!

The India-China eyeball-to-eyeball confrontation in the eastern Ladakh region is over two years old now. Nothing concrete appears to be emerging on reverting...

The Indian Higher Education System is Not Producing Desired Results!

As you are, the continued plight of the Indian higher education system was laid bare in the recently concluded competitive entrance examinations for...

Extending Workable Schemes for the Larger Benefits Should be Introduced!

The economic scenario in every country around the globe is anything but challenging and needs no further elaboration. None of the governments can...

Must Read

Inordinate Delay in Pronouncing Judgments is Unacceptable!

Reams and reams have been written on how the justice denied to any citizen of the country is justice delayed. The very motto...

The Voters’ Right to Know the Political Candidates’ Asset Need Not be Absolute!

The Indian political class consisting of various parties representing different philosophies and ideologies makes for an interesting study. Why only the political class,...

The Airlines are Facing a Peculiar Situation Vis-À-Vis Irresponsible Alcohol Consumption By the Passengers!

As you are aware, the aviation industry is considered not only the crucial economic indicator as to where and how the country is...