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Jawaharlal Nehru University : What Is The Indignation All About?

Day by day the controversial Jawaharlal Nehru University issue is taking new twists and turns; for those who could follow the turn of events, here is...

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Of Course, the BJP’s Quest to Provide Corruption-Free Administration is a Mirage!

The BJP-led National Democratic Alliance has successfully built up a narrative that offers the citizens a substantial glimpse of how the party with...

The Indian Premier League is Living up to Its Billing!

True cricket connoisseurs of the classical variety must be squirming with annoyance and inexplicable discomfort seeing the way the 17th edition of the...

Why and How Turncoat Politicians Continue to Remain Relevant?

The subject matter must be heavily weighed upon in the minds of concerned Indians who witness political leaders switching sides at the drop...