Success Comes from Consistency Not from Occasional Indulgences!

  • What is success and how one defines it? There is a huge amount of definitions describing what success means. It could be an accomplishment of an aim or purpose. It could be the attainment of fame, wealth, or social status. It could be termed as those who achieve desired aims fighting against all odds. Success can also be mentioned as the status of having achieved and accomplished desired visions and planned goals. Success could be prosperity, prosperousness, affluence, wealth, riches, fortune, opulence, victory, triumph, luxury, comfort, and many more such adjectives pointing out an individual’s present embodiment of achievements standing out as a shining example worthy of emulation.


  • There are many evolved personalities, deep thinkers, philosophers, spiritualists, religious heads, and super achievers who are always placed differently from those ordinary people for having attained tremendous achievements in any of the chosen fields. Mind you, these extraordinary achievers have earned their spurs not through any divine intervention or without ever sacrificing a considerable amount of time, resources, sweat, blood, resolve, and devotion. Nothing comes easy or free in life proves time and again as there is no exception to this universal law since time immemorial. Have you ever wondered why our existence on this beautiful planet always appears to be skewed in favor of a selected few?
  • People unable to fathom the success story of limited men and women tend to raise aspersions on those great go-getters by quoting unreliable, and unsubstantiated diabolical intentions largely owing to jealousy as well an inability to step up to deliver desired intended objectives. Understand, the law of the universe is neither amenable to our desires nor bestows allowances just because we demand. Neither does the law of the universe acknowledge half-hearted approaches nor does it provides intangible strengths for aspirational lot unprepared to go the distance. Trust me, there is no free lunch in the intransigent world of the universe which sets its order rather than play along with exceedingly skewed man-made edicts.

PC: YouAreCreators

  • Of course, term it the benevolence of the infinite intelligence, or the universe or mother nature, it is proved beyond doubt that the blessings will be showered on those who are prepared to go through the grind without taking recourse to shortcuts. And one need not look far answers away from the realm of our daily existence as examples galore denoting superior achievements are there for observations and adoptions. One significant aspect standing out favoring several high-fliers from aspiring doers is to observe unwavering consistency in pursuing an objective, goal, aim, or plan.
  • Fabulous successes are realized owing to single-minded devotees not getting easily swayed away by temptations or obstructions but primed to surge ahead strongly. Willing to pick the brains of splendid achievers on what is that x-factor that made them what they are will always elicit one common response i.e. advise to uphold the virtues of consistency without ever forgoing the same come what may. Any kinds of literature, stories, fables, legends, and tales invariably subscribe to this viewpoint laying emphasis on espousing consistency irrespective of circumstances and situations causing botheration. Therefore, never let go of the mantra of embracing the virtues of consistency in whatever chosen fields as it holds the key to eventually realizing what we set forth in the first place.

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.