Remembering Martyred Soldiers on Kargil Vijay Diwas!

  • As we all are proudly aware of, 26th July is dedicated for observing the martyrdom of our brave soldiers as Kargil Vijay Diwas as on this day way back in 1999, the Indian Army had announced the successful culmination of “Operation Vijay” declaring the victory of nearly three months-long battle against our arch-enemy Pakistan in the ice heights of Kargil. The Pakistani army occupying the captured peaks was pushed back by our brave soldiers not only fighting the enemy but also extreme weather conditions as well.

PC: myupsc


  • More than 500 soldiers were martyred during the testing times the country witnessed back then. Their unparalleled bravery, chilling courage, emulation worthy valor, supreme sacrifice, unquestionable determination, commitment to the motherland, and most importantly, sustained efforts at keeping the enemy out of the equation has already been written in red letter. Inspired millions of countrymen to feel proud and indebted. Recollecting one brave act after another will truly swell our hearts with pride.
  • Our military has shown time and again that it will never fail the country while defending the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Motherland whatever the situation, provocation, and evil designs of the enemy. Superlative sacrifices made by our soldiers since Independence are legendary that has been acknowledged with wholesome gratitude. Whenever the call of duty beckons, our soldiers were never found wanting in discharging responsibilities with great agility, humility, and ability.


PC: wikipedia

  • Reminiscing the leadup to Kargil War, news began to trickle down about the intrusion of Pakistani army personnel, and it happened during the World Cup 1999 being held in England. Yours truly was serving in the Indian Air Force back then and was on Annual Level during the period. I vividly recount receiving a telegram, there were no mobile phones or instant messaging back then, mentioning crisply that the leave is curtailed owing to service exigencies and to report back to parent unit immediately.
  • I reached the unit somewhere in the Western border of Rajasthan within 48 hours as special trains and air travel was arranged for the military personnel to criss-cross the country to reach respective units as quickly as possible. One abiding memory that will stay imprinted forever in my psyche was to witness the way people responded/treated/showered their love & affection as the train I was traveling crossed Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, and Rajasthan, respectively.

PC: times of india

  • Especially, the last three states mentioned were exceptional. Whenever the train halted in these States, beverages and refreshments were served as if there is no tomorrow. On a lighter note, maybe the people were quite conscious that the army marches on its stomach and hence, the fulsome servings. As an ex-serviceman, I feel honored about these occasions and am sure, entire countrymen will feel the same as well. Jai Hind!


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