Check Out The Top 5 Awaited Hollywood Movies

Most-Awaited,Hollywood Movies

Every year thousands of movies are released, some leave an impact on us; some don’t. But there are some movies which we wait for and if we are lucky then the waiting period pays us off good. ‘Harry Potter’ movie series spawned 7 sequels; and the movie got better in every sequel. In this article I will tell you about the most awaited Most-Awaited Hollywood Movies which are being heartily awaited by the frequent movie goers.

Top 5 Most-Awaited Hollywood Movies

Most-Awaited,Hollywood Movies

1. Fantastic Beats and Where To Find them

The first movie to make it to the list is “Fantastic Beats”. When the final part of Harry Potter came out; it made many people sad as because they wouldn’t be able to see their favorite on screen ever again. Fantastic beats is a movie which is set before the story of “Harry Potter” & “Voldemort”. When Fantastic beats was announced; this news broke the internet and immediately made people talking about it. It is set to release on 18th November 2016; so be ready to cast your spell!


Most-Awaited,Hollywood Movies

2. Fast 8

The second movie to make it to the list is Fast 8. Fast & Furious is probably the only action-thriller movie which has spawned 7 sequels and 2 more are yet to be released in the upcoming years. After the death of Paul Walker, the movie got even more recognition and made it one of the movies who became earned big time despite mixed-negative reviews. The movie is set to release in April 2017, so fasten your seat belts and go fast go furious.


Most-Awaited,Hollywood Movies

3. Avatar 2

Remember James Cameron’s Avatar? The move is set to spawn not one, not two but three sequels. Cameron is a perfectionist and his movies are bound to break records; Terminator, Titanic, Avatar are some examples of his success. Cameron has been working on the sequel since 2010 and the movie’s estimated release is in 2018/2019. Cameron says that this would be the best 3D film ever and he is bound deliver his promises. So get your 3D glasses ready people!


Most-Awaited,Hollywood Movies

4. Justice League

We have already seen Iron man, Batman, Hulk in a movie together in the avengers. And no doubt the movie has delivered its expectations. Now Imagine Batman, Superman, Wonder woman, Cat woman, Flash fighting against villains like The Joker and Ras Al Ghul. The movie is set to release next year.


Most-Awaited,Hollywood Movies

5. Wolverine 3

Hugh Jackman has been the trademark of the character “Wolverine” in X-Men movie series. Well, this is the last time that you are going to see him taking up the character of Wolverine since he has decided to retire his claws. The movie is set to release next year; so brace yourselves and ready your claws.

So, These are the upcoming most awaited movies.

Image Source: Image 1 & Featured Image, Image 2, Image 3 , Image 4, Image 5.


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