7 Incredible Smells That Tantalize Your Brain And Give You Instant Happiness!

incredible smells

There is no doubt that more than any other sense, the sense of smells have got the amazing power to evoke emotions and also memories we didn’t even expect. Incredible smells and memories are also closely associated in our brains; they do tantalize our brain, and in turn gives us instant happiness. Here is a list of 7 incredible smells that tantalize our brain and gives us instant happiness:

Incredible smells that gives us instant happiness!

incredible smells1. Baby powder plus baby!

One of the most incredible smells is the smell of the talc or the baby powder on a freshly washed baby. This smell is purely adorable as it gives us instant happiness from deep inside.

incredible smells2. The fragrance of your crush’s perfume!

When your crush walks by, you start feeling happy and start wondering what perfume she is wearing. That smell is something which gives you immense pleasure from within, and leave with all the happiness of the world.

incredible smells3. Soil after rains!

Surely, it’s the most tantalizing smell for anyone’s brain! Whether it’s your small child or grandmother, everyone loves the smell of soil after rains.

incredible smells4. Freshly ground coffee beans!

The smell of the freshly ground coffee beans is yet another thing that tantalize our brain and gives us the instant happiness. There’s nothing quite like it.

incredible smells5. Freshly showered hair of your love!

The smell of the freshly showered is so tantalizing that you always want your face to vanish in all those locks forever! Its gives soothing pleasure along with the inner peace and happiness.

incredible smells6. Street food!

As you walk through the city in the evening; the smell of street foods, which are cooked in the open pans also gives instant happiness. It happens especially in the monsoon season!

incredible smells7. Pages of a new book!

When you flip through the pages of a new book with your nose right in front of the leaves; you feel something unusual that gives you happiness. And yeah, you don’t need to be bookworm for this one!


Also, the love giving smell of the grandmother tantalizes one’s brain and gives them instant happiness.

Image Source: Image1, Image2, Image3, Image4, Image5, Image6, Image7, Featured


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