Trouble with Being Punctual is That No One is There to Appreciate It!

  • As all of us recollect right from rejigging our childhood memories to adolescence to adulthood, one virtuoso trait so passionately exhorted by our parents, elders, teachers, well-wishers, and the ilk is to adhere to the unquestionable tenets of punctuality. It’s another matter altogether that many of these counselors were eventually found to be mere proponents of extending pieces of advice rather than diligent followers of what they expounded. We would have had a good laugh at those idiosyncratic individuals who mean no harm but excel in administering unsolicited counsels.

PC: University of Alberta

  • Scores of us would unequivocally vouch about those urgings so forcefully drilled into our comprehending abilities and learning faculties so early from our growing up years that the same influences do not elicit keenness nor pique interest as it once used to be. Since the often repeated and time-tested idiom action should speak louder than words is conveniently ignored by the supposedly evolved lot, there is no reason why anyone of us should even consider following the instruction as a valid point of debate.
  • Agreed, every responsible individual should be imbibed with the undeniable qualities of discipline, determination, dedication, and of course, not to forget the central topic of our discussion here, punctuality. Lacking in any of these valued traits is a sure shot recipe for disaster not only in the realms of domestic life alone but also the most important aspect of ambitious professional endeavors to keep us scaling never seen before heights. Widely agreed that an individual lacking in these qualities will continue to stare at the bottom and hence, will continue to be looked down on in contempt. Holds good even now, though.

PC: Lee Williams

  • Receiving incessant berating to pull up socks in line with the expected standards is quite prevalent, even now. Also common is to be compared with someone who usually fits the bill leading to arguments, heartburn, and not so ideally convivial atmosphere in the households. We have experienced this before, isn’t it? Therefore, did any of those supposedly evolved individuals ever considered the perceived pathetic plight of scores of laggards like me who are written off as failures by hearing them out compassionately on the other side of the story?
  • Or for that matter ever considered patiently those unpunctual types nonchalantly questioning the benefits of observing punctuality in the first place? All those sticklers for punctuality and its merits have an equally rationale/convincing arguments put-forth by unpunctual lot quizzically asking would there be anyone to even appreciate if someone being punctual in the first place? The answer would be categorical no since you alone would have to essay both the roles of being punctual as well as appreciating the achievement of being the first to arrive.

PC: Miyuli

  • In doing so, appears similar to beating your trumpets loudly is it not? Before it assumes the shape of self-aggrandizement and glorification of sticking to virtuoso living, consider for a moment what did you eventually achieve by punctuality where none acknowledges nor felicitates? Is it worth even to undergo the pain? Of course, the pun is intended here and there is no reason why anybody should be foregoing the option of punctuality. Stick with it, even if none acknowledges it.

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.


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