Inside Views on Armed Forces : Part I

  • Indisputably, the Armed Forces continues to command a very special place in the echelons
    of any nation’s history and our country too is not exempt from this adulation. Endeavor is to
    briefly elaborate functioning of the Forces for the benefit of all those uninitiated adequately.
    Three arms of the Armed Forces viz. Land, Air and Sea makes up the Military. The Army, the
    Navy and the Air Force are those arms which hold keys to the nation’s sovereignty. Of
    course, roles of each are intertwined and stand-alone contingent on the circumstances.

PC: Freepik

  • As the nomenclature suggests, the Army is entrusted with the responsibility of guarding the
    land boundaries, the Navy with the coastline and the Air Force mandated to guard airspace,
    respectively. Those who are adequately exposed to the day-to-day workings of the Armed
    Forces are aware as to how the disciplined forces goes about their chores nonchalantly,
    irrespective of situations i.e. wartime / peacetime. Majority of the people would be keen to
    comprehend what goes behind the scenes to create a world-class fighting machinery.

PC: Deccan Herald

  • Clearly demarcated plans will be in place without any ambiguity during war as well as peace
    times on the roles of the forces including that of the last personnel. Peak preparedness
    during peacetime evidently sets the tone for the fighting forces to sharpen their skills vis-à-
    vis coordinated war drills, simulated exercises, constant updating on the modern warfare,
    combat readiness, state-of-the-art training, exposure to varied hardware, updating on
    equally relevant soft-skills where emphasis is laid on motivation and morale boosting
    amongst the personnel.
  • As the saying goes – half the battle is won when strategies, planning, preparation, resources
    and execution are in peak condition – unhindered preparedness during peacetime invariably
    sets the tone for the fighting forces to remain on high alert. Tremendous emphasis is laid on
    discipline, subordination, hierarchy, deference for superiors, uncompromising attitude,
    unquestionable loyalty, integrity and fitness both physical as well as mental. Sacrifice also
    essays an important role in the life of a service personnel where personal comforts hardly

PC: Shawn Rhodes

  • Harsh living conditions, minimal availability of basic amenities, constant fear of the
    unknown, staying away from societal obligations for months together, disruption in familial
    ties, battling pressure and stress owing to extraordinary occupational hazards are some of
    the challenges every service personnel has to undergo irrespective of ranks. Going forward,
    would wish to touch upon in detail about many aspects that every single Armed Forces
    personnel has to pass through. You may wait for the same in these columns!

Previous articleAltered Equations: Senior Citizens in the Modern World
Next articleHarsh Living Conditions – Armed Forces: Part II
Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.



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