Digital Technology is Evolving Dynamically! Need to Stay Abreast!

  • The mindboggling advent of information technology-driven solutions in literally every domain needs no further elucidation. Our daily lives are driven by more than one information technology-enabled service or solution making it inseparable as well as ubiquitous. We know how the pandemic seamlessly allowed IT to take root in so many ways. Hitherto sneered work-from-home option took off in an unimaginably huge manner allowing millions of white-collar workforce to discharge work responsibilities. Right from sectors like banking, education, commerce, and other office-related work could be carried out from home was firmly established. Now, there are even more fascinating solutions emerging driven by Artificial Intelligence that will be the next big thing.

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  • Let’s see how AI is expected to evolve in the coming days. As reported extensively, the world of chatbots is hotting up. Google recently said that a new AI service named Bard is being tested ahead of a public launch. It’s a conversational service that can provide textual answers to questions raised by users. Bard’s public launch will make it the second generative AI, after ChatGPT, to be freely accessible. Generative AI represents another dimension where the technology has moved beyond pattern recognition to synthesizing answers from large data sets. As we know, AI doesn’t have a precise definition and can at best be described as a constellation of technologies. Such is the depth, reach, and impact of AI exciting the technologists.
  • Indeed, AI is making inroads into education in a big way. Remember, the idea of AI arises from English mathematician Alan Turing’s work in 1950 where he suggested a machine could be programmed to learn from experience in the way children do. The idea has now fructified, and how AI is transforming every conceivable area of activity which is not easy to comprehend. Acknowledging its importance, the budget announced that three centres of excellence in AI will be set up in top educational institutions with the private sector contributing to the effort. The Indian Government has taken the right step as AI, the world’s most disruptive technology is growing everywhere on the back of a collaborative effort between the state and private sector.

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  • Needless to mention, the emphasis must be on setting up a global AI network in research. Mind you, not all of it can generate commercial returns immediately. However, the long-term payoffs are invaluable. Large-scale funding and the creation of research ecosystems that draw in global Indian talent in AI need to be GOI’s priorities. Of course, AI is already in extensive use at the commercial level as Indian firms have access to domestic talent to leverage these opportunities. It now needs to be complemented by access to data. Note that AI rests on three pillars viz. data, algorithms, and computing power. AI is the technological frontier that offers India a chance to leapfrog in a few stages. This opportunity must not go waste.

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.