Women are Disadvantaged Whilst Accessing Health Benefits!

Since times immemorial, women are at the receiving end vis-à-vis fighting for their rights, equality, parity, and seeking to earn due respect. They...

Raking up the Population Bogey is Passe. Concentrate on Development Issues!

Unnecessarily raking up the population bogey is a strange, ill-timed, ill-advised, and anachronistic phenomenon observed in the country’s political landscape whenever a major...

Caste Compulsions or Professional Governance, You Decide!

Recently carried out major Cabinet overhaul in the Narendra Modi led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government at the Centre stands out for springing...

Cricketer Yashpal Sharma Did Leave Behind a Mark in Indian Cricket!

Extremely huge popularity enjoyed by cricket as a sport in the Indian context is firmly established. The game’s perpetual acceptance amongst the citizens...

Uncertainty Surrounding Vaccine Availability Should be Addressed Forthwith!

The Government of India’s flip-flop on the admissibility of the vaccine to eligible beneficiaries in May when the second Covid wave shot up...

Minister Entrusted with Multiple Ministries; Does It Qualify as a Prudent Move!

The aftermath of the Union Cabinet expansion/reshuffle has succeeded in drawing attention as to how a relative greenhorn political leader is entrusted with...

It’s No Fun Without Spectators at the Tokyo Olympics!

The pandemic has played havoc with the staging of many high-profile and hugely popular sporting events over the past year and a half...

Juvenile Justice Acts Merits a Relook!

The Nirbhaya case succeeded in completely shaking up the collective conscience of the nation for the way brutality was perpetrated on a hapless...

A Political Party with a Difference has to Also Deal with Dissidence!

The Bharatiya Janata Party prides itself in calling as a national political party with a difference most often comparing it to the Grand...

Must Read

Again, the SC’s Clear About Granting Bail, Unless Jail is Inenitable!

The Supreme Court time and again has emphasized in no uncertain terms the law of the land upholding the granting of bail unless...

Pedestrians Face a Tough Time in Indian Cities!

One of the unique phenomena observed in the context of Indian cities is the scant attention accorded to the safe commuting of pedestrians....

The Health Insurance Sector in India is Still Nascent!

The Indian healthcare sector, especially the public sector, stood starkly exposed during the debilitating pandemic when scores of citizens lost their lives on...