Nepotism is Everywhere – More Spotlight on the Film Industry Though!

Nepotism as a topic is always garnering dubious limelight cutting across industries leading to passionate discussions evoking varied reactions from different quarters. As...

Forgotten Lot – Youngsters on the Cusp of Stepping Into Professional Life

Reams and reams are already written as to how destructive novel coronavirus has foraged continuing to further destroy unabatedly as the authorities indulge...

Ensure Strict Adherence to Safety Guidelines Please!

No sooner the lockdowns paved way for Unlock 1.0 measures easing several strictly enforced restrictions, infection rates are suddenly appearing ominous scaling newer...

Executive Decisions Cannot be Outsourced to Judiciary

The Puri Jagannath Temple Rath Yatra is world-famous does not require further assertion nor seconding from any quarters. It is also equally known...

Talks About Lockdown in Bengaluru Should Not be Pursued Further!

Hectic parleys are underway by the State Government as well as authorities concerned over the past couple of days with regards to enforcing...

In Pursuit of Inner Happiness – Unavoidable Quest!

By all accounts, the year 2020 so far is turning out to be anything but pleasant as a number of unfortunate and unkind...

Shoring up Healthcare Facilities Assumes Significance!

As the novel coronavirus started spreading deadly tentacles across the world and subsequent declaration as global pandemic shook the countries to initiate suitable...

Hyperbole Cannot Substitute Reality – Fact Check on India’s Options

There’s no denying the fact that the entire country is not only aggrieved with the Galwan Valley incident resulting in the martyrdom of...

Responsibilities Equally on Us as with Authorities!

Novel Coronavirus continues to keep growing on the psyche of the nation in more than one form. To its credit, authorities and concerned...

Must Read

Again, the SC’s Clear About Granting Bail, Unless Jail is Inenitable!

The Supreme Court time and again has emphasized in no uncertain terms the law of the land upholding the granting of bail unless...

Pedestrians Face a Tough Time in Indian Cities!

One of the unique phenomena observed in the context of Indian cities is the scant attention accorded to the safe commuting of pedestrians....

The Health Insurance Sector in India is Still Nascent!

The Indian healthcare sector, especially the public sector, stood starkly exposed during the debilitating pandemic when scores of citizens lost their lives on...