The Potus and the Flotus are Found Positive, for Coronavirus!

Call it poetic justice, karma, or simply law of averages catching up, the President and the First Lady of the United States of...

Home Stays Beckon! People are Grabbing It!

Over six months since the pandemic made its presence felt leaving each one of us disturbed in varying degrees, there are visible signs...

Dalit Woman Rape & Death Case is a Shameful Act!

The caste prejudice is so deeply etched in our society even after claiming to be at par with most of the advancing countries...

Can You Believe the POTUS Paid $750 as Tax!

Reports emerging in the newspapers suggest that the incumbent President of the United States paid hardly believable $750 as tax amount in the...

Opposing for the Sake of Opposing Doesn’t Cut Ice Anymore!

I am sure close political observers and followers would be greatly intrigued by the underlying machinations at work when it comes to introducing...

Never Compromise on the Physical Fitness!

Ever since the pandemic induced restrictions were enforced following which majority of the people started working from home in line with the present-day...

The Bandh Call is Anathema in the Present Situation!

The Bandh called by various organizations supporting the farmers' cause opposing the reformist bills passed by the Central Government on the agriculture sector...

The BJP Should Adopt More Accommodative Approach!

The National Democratic Alliance (NDA) led by the Bharatiya Janata Party successfully fought and won the successive Parliamentary elections by endearing to the...

Wash, Mask, and Distance – the Only Norm Worthy of Following!

The pandemic has established a firm hold in our country needs no further elaboration going by the infection rates breaching newer records regularly....

Must Read

Why Suryakumar Yadav was Preferred Over Hardik Pandya for the T20I Captaincy?

In India, three critical topics evoke strong and passionate reactions from the citizens and showcase in no uncertain terms how most of us...

In a Country Known for Religious Fervour, Why We Tend to be Hypocritical?

Indian civilization is millenniums old with a proud legacy of heritage, culture, tradition, practices, and beliefs that need no further elaboration. We Indians...

The Coalition Political Compulsions Largely Drove the Union Budget!

The Bharatiya Janata Party-led National Democratic Alliance formed the Union Government for the third successive time after winning the mandate in the recently...