Asha Workers Abysmal Pay Should be Substantially Enhanced!

The pandemic has succeeded in recognizing hitherto less cared about the class of workers on the ground helping the administration in more ways...

India is Making the Right Noises and Moves Vis-a-vis China!

It is now increasingly clearer that New Delhi does not wish to play ball with the Chinese communist party mandarins when the unresolved...

The Union Cabinet Expansion is Realistic and Pragmatic: Much Needed One!

There was quite an anticipation, excitement, and buzz surrounding the impending expansion/reshuffle of the Union Cabinet in the past few weeks. As reported...

Mistakes and Achievements Should Make Us Humble, Not Arrogant!

There is a famous saying that characterizes human endeavors as a perpetual work in progress never stopping from learning newer and newer things...

Households are Constrained for Want of Steady Income!

The pandemic-induced social hardships on humanity might take considerable time and length to elaborate in detail needs no further emphasis. Reams and reams...

Something Terribly Wrong with the Judicial System!

One might lose track as to how many times the issue of granting bail for an accused awaiting trial for petty crime/offense is...

With the Passing Away of Dilip Kumar, An Era in Indian Cinema Ends!

The legendary Dilip Kumar, Yusuf Khan, or Yusuf Sahab to scores from the film fraternity, has left on his eternal journey at a...

Back to Business as Usual. Exercise Caution! Slip-up Will be Detrimental!

After nearly 69 days of lockdown in Karnataka, the State will be opening all its stalled economic activities yet again much to the...

Development Projects and Preservation of Natural Habitat Should be Balanced!

As the population explodes on the back of modernity-defined developments, innovations, inventions, and advancements courtesy of technological prowess, the demands for expansion incommensurate...

Must Read

Again, the SC’s Clear About Granting Bail, Unless Jail is Inenitable!

The Supreme Court time and again has emphasized in no uncertain terms the law of the land upholding the granting of bail unless...

Pedestrians Face a Tough Time in Indian Cities!

One of the unique phenomena observed in the context of Indian cities is the scant attention accorded to the safe commuting of pedestrians....

The Health Insurance Sector in India is Still Nascent!

The Indian healthcare sector, especially the public sector, stood starkly exposed during the debilitating pandemic when scores of citizens lost their lives on...