Home Tags Smartphones


Smartphones, Social Media, and Altered Behaviour Among Teens and Adults Alike Courtesy of Electronic Gadgets are Worrying!

One of the most significant innovations of the 20th century must be the advent of the information technology-driven initiatives that have completely revolutionized...

The 5 Best Smartphones of 2016: Which One You Should Buy?

It's 2016 and it's no secret that technology has evolved to such a large extent that it makes us wonder "what's next". Imagine from...

Nokia Is All Set To Hit Mobile Markets Once Again

Just when we thought they are dead, they proved us wrong. Yes, taking about the dead telecommunication giant Nokia, which is very much alive...

File Sharing Applications: 7 Best Apps That Can Help You Transfer Files From Smartphone With Blink Of An Eye

Smartphones are now making most of our tasks easier. We can remain connected to our family, work and house; even when we are on...

11 popular smartphones that have fingerprint sensor featured in it

I think that every person in the world has or wants to own a smartphone and why not? Smartphones are very useful as because...

7 Smartphones Powered With 4GB RAM

Smartphones are a part of our life and are becoming increasingly important day-by-day. As we need it for all of our time, then it...

7 Waterproof Smartphones

A smartphone is launched with lots of amazing features which are just out of the box. However, they all are not fully protected from...

5 Reasons why buying smartphones online is better than offline

Smartphones are a need more than a luxury in today’s fast paced world. We can accomplish many things while on-the-go; thanks to the Smartphones....

Must Read

How can Any Peace be Brokered Between Russia and Ukraine When Moscow is Not Allowed?

As you are aware and much to the chagrin of the global community, the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine simply seems to...

The USA Qualifying for the T20 Super 8 Stage is a Big Plus for Cricket!

The International Cricket Council (ICC) must be delighted with the outcome of the ongoing T20 World Cup in the United States of America...

Terror Attacks in J&K Have Suddenly Escalated! The Govt Must be Vigilant!

The Bharatiya Janata Party-led National Democratic Alliance would have us believe that everything is honky-dory in Jammu & Kashmir vis-à-vis the security situation...