Soy Milk Is Not As Healthy As You Think- 10 Reasons

Milk,Soy Milk,Soy,Unhealthy

Soy milk is considered to be the best option for people who are lactose-intolerant, as this is the best milk substitute. These days’ people who are health-conscious also consider drinking it as they think it is a heart-healthy low fat option. And some who do not like drinking cow’s milk also prefer going for soy milk as they all think it’s a very healthy option. But here I give you some reasons not do drink it as it might not be as healthy as you think.

Check out 10 reasons not to drink Soy Milk

Milk,Soy Milk,Soy,Unhealthy

1. High in phytoestrogens

Soy contains high amount of phytoestrogens; these are basically plant compounds that look like estrogen to the body. This means that soy milk will disrupt your hormones. However, there are no proven records for this as studies have shown highly conflicting and biased results backed the soy industry.



Milk,Soy Milk,Soy,Unhealthy

2. High in phytic acid

Soy contains very high levels of phytic acid, which is a compound that reduces the absorption of essential minerals in the body, like calcium, magnesium and zinc.




Milk,Soy Milk,Soy,Unhealthy

3. Unfermented soy products are not traditional

Ever though why our grannies preferred us drinking cow’s milk? Well, if soy milk was truly that nutritious and delicious then the grandmothers would have raised their children on soy milk. Be careful of unfermented soy products as it contains high levels of phytic acid levels. In the traditional Asian cultures, people used to consume soy, but they instinctively knew how to lessen the anti-nutrient aspects of this legume.


Milk,Soy Milk,Soy,Unhealthy

4. Soy grown is genetically modified

According to reports 90% of soy grown in the US is genetically modified. These types of crops pose a serious threat human health and also to the health of the environment. So when you be careful while buying a non-organic soy product, as you support the industry of genetically modified soy.


Milk,Soy Milk,Soy,Unhealthy

5. It contains Carrageenan

Soy milk is not milk actually, but it is a seaweed-emulsified legume juice. To give this juice a milk like creamy texture Carrageenan is added. This is a highly-processed seaweed which is added to most of the non-dairy milks and some other food products to give it a creamy texture. There are 2 types of carrageenan. One is safe for human consumption and other is used to induce colitis in lab rats. The food-safe carrageenan can cause inflammation and stomach problems.


Milk,Soy Milk,Soy,Unhealthy

6. Calcium supplementation raises the risk of heart disease

As we all know soy milk claims to contain much calcium as the regular milk, but this does not mean our body will absorb and utilize the calcium from both the items the same way. Our body needs vitamin co-factors to use the calcium properly. Vitamin K2 is the most important factor as it shuttles the calcium into the bones. Without satisfactory levels of K2, our body cannot use the calcium and further this calcium can create plaque in the arteries, raising the risk of heart disease.


Milk,Soy Milk,Soy,Unhealthy

7. Soy milk contains Vitamin D2

Soy milk contains Vitamin D2, which is a synthetic and isolated form of the vitamin. This results to extremely poorly absorption of essential vitamin is the body, Vitamin D2 offers no viable benefit to the human body but can actually be harmful.



Milk,Soy Milk,Soy,Unhealthy

8. Synthetic vitamin A can cause toxicity

Soy milk contains vitamin A which is synthetic, therefore lacks all the vitamin co-factors. Always remember, vitamins are helpful only if they are accompanied by its co-factors. Naturally-occurring vitamin A can create toxicity in uber-extreme doses, however moderate overdoses of synthetic vitamin A can cause toxicity.



Milk,Soy Milk,Soy,Unhealthy

9. Added Natural Flavours can be addictive’s

When a company mentions in its ingredients “natural flavours”, it can be probably be hiding something from you. “Natural flavours” can also mean various additives, in forms of MSG and artificial sweeteners.




Milk,Soy Milk,Soy,Unhealthy

10. Soy Milk is not real food

To sum up everything just eat food with is real. As that is what we call healthy eating.




Healthy eating is very simple, just eat natural food. As it’s better to be safe than sorry. Make sure not to get carried away by slippery marketing claims of “all natural” health foods.

Image Sources: Image 1,Image 2, Image 3, Image 4, Image 5, Image 6, Image 7, Image 8, Image 9, Image 10, Featured Image.


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