Citizens too are Equally Responsible in Ensuring Safety Measures!

The pandemic is playing hide and seek with the majority of the affected countries would be an understatement going by the unfolding events...

What Drives the Achievers to Realise Insurmountable Challenges?

Since times immemorial, history is replete with numerous examples highlighting humankind’s inherent urge to establish supremacy not only amongst fellow human-beings but also...

Political Realignments are Par for the Course Template!

Political subject matter and associated topics closely related to the narrative never fails to evoke fascination and inquisitiveness amongst the discerning who follow...

Reopening of Schools and Colleges is Still Unclear!

Successive unlock guidelines have allowed recommencing of most activities hitherto closed as part of lockdown. With the green signal for cinema theaters to...

Leadership Essays Huge Role Concerning Matters of Importance!

That leadership encompasses so many parameters defining the title is a no brainer. Leadership entails leading different categories including but not restricted to...

Has the Television Media Gone Overboard with Some Issues!

There is no denying the fact that television media performs an exceptional job in not only disseminating information to its intended receivers admirably...

Great News in a While as Covid May Have Peaked in September!

It surely amounts to an understatement mentioning the year 2020 has been anything but disastrous looked from any angles. Hardships started in March...

The Nation Desperately Needs Police Reforms!

The police always find ways to be in the news, mostly for the wrong reasons, is a veritable fact demanding thorough scrutiny, analyses,...

Make No Mistake! Women are at a Disadvantage!

The National Statistics Organization (NSO) report for the year 2019 made a striking revelation about the unpaid domestic work or caregiving chores undertaken...

Must Read

Why Suryakumar Yadav was Preferred Over Hardik Pandya for the T20I Captaincy?

In India, three critical topics evoke strong and passionate reactions from the citizens and showcase in no uncertain terms how most of us...

In a Country Known for Religious Fervour, Why We Tend to be Hypocritical?

Indian civilization is millenniums old with a proud legacy of heritage, culture, tradition, practices, and beliefs that need no further elaboration. We Indians...

The Coalition Political Compulsions Largely Drove the Union Budget!

The Bharatiya Janata Party-led National Democratic Alliance formed the Union Government for the third successive time after winning the mandate in the recently...