Union Health Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan Set to be WHO Executive Board Chairman!

  • The Union Health Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan will take over the Chairmanship of the World Health Organization (WHO) Executive Board with effect from 22nd May 2020. India as a nation was chosen by the 194 nation strong World Health Assembly signing the proposal to appoint the Minister as the nominee to the executive board. As per the reports, the executive board is composed of 34 individuals technically qualified in the field of health, each one designated by a Member State elected to do so by the World Health Assembly.

PC: telanganatoday

  • Notably, Member States are elected for three-year terms. Some of the key functions of the executive board are to give effect to the decisions and policies of the Health Assembly, to advise it and generally to facilitate its works. Coming close on the heels of Covid-19 pandemic raging the universe and the role of WHO incessantly being questioned by the affected countries whilst handling the entire unfolding of unpleasant events for the last few months makes this appointment quite interesting. Many countries have raised red flags on the matter.
  • Notably, President Donald Trump has on multiple occasions in a no-holds-barred announcements has berated the WHO for promoting China’s disinformation about the coronavirus outbreak. In fact, the President has already suspended substantial funds to the WHO and has threatened to permanently stop the funding if it fails to commit to improvements within 30 days and to reconsider the membership of the United States in the body as well.


  • As the member nations demanding impartial investigations to fix accountability for humongous loss of lives and livelihood gains strength, the WHA under the Chairmanship of Dr. Harsh Vardhan will have a defining part to steer the organization amidst hostile environment prevalent in the face of a global pandemic. As two big economic powerhouses slug it out accusing each other for the prevailing crises, how the WHA advises the WHO to embark on sound policies acceptable to pre-empt mishaps from recurring would be keenly watched.
  • A seasoned politician and a trained doctor, Dr. Harsh Vardhan has proved his mettle in efficiently handling the Covid-19 crises in this densely populated country winning accolades from all corners. The post is not a full-time assignment requiring Dr. Vardhan to only chair the Board’s Meetings held twice a year. Of course, appointment enriches India’s reputation in the eyes of the world community gaining welcome traction for all its worth. Congratulations to Dr. Vardhan!

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.


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    Показания к применению

    Современный медикамент создан для людей, у которых была диагностирована местно-распространенная карцинома щитовидной железы. Также им можно пользоваться в том случае, если Вы столкнулись с распространенной почечно-клеточной карциномой. Помните о том, что терапия должна проходить по индивидуальной схеме, составленной специалистом. Он наблюдает за пациентами в период лечения, своевременно корректируя дозировки и частоту приема препарата.


    Это – лекарство, которое обладает положительным воздействием на организм. Однако его нельзя употреблять в случае наличия таких противопоказаний:

    • чувствительность к определенным компонентам средства;
    • хронические заболевания почек или печени;
    • беременность или период вскармливания ребенка грудью;
    • детский возраст – до 18 лет.

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    Способ применения

    На [b] [url=https://velpanex.ru/shop/26/desc/lenvaxen10]Lenvaxen (Ленватиниб 10 мг) – Ленваксен (Lenvatinib 10 mg) – аналог Ленвима цена[/url] [/b] указана в каталоге нашего портала. Чтобы медикамент дал быстрые результаты, нужно употреблять его правильно. Достаточно одной таблетки в сутки, вне зависимости от приема пищи. Ее запивают обильным количеством жидкости и употребляют в одно и то же время, без пропуска дней. Специалист внесет корректировки в схему терапии в случае необходимости, а также прекратит лечение, если оно не дает желаемых результатов.

    Побочные явления

    Если нарушить правила приема препарата, можно столкнуться с такими побочными эффектами:

    • инфекции мочевыводящих путей;
    • бессонница, потеря аппетита;
    • инфаркт миокарда;
    • носовые кровотечения;
    • резкие скачки артериального давления.

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  12. Similar to every single discipline of sport, horse riding also demands particular clothing. It doesn’t suggest that without correct gear of the rider, the horse will not canter, nevertheless the custom, coziness, appearances participate in a vital purpose in every disciplines. Especially horse riding, namely a discipline from distant past, has generated specific attributes throughout the years. Breeches are definitely among them.

    Equestrian breeches, ease and comfort, and tradition
    Equestrian breeches are exclusive horse riding pants. For the reason that they do not have seams on the inner part of the leg, namely in the spot where the rider’s leg meets the seat, they give convenience and flexibility of actions. Such a strategy for sewing protects your sensitive skin from chafing, allows the rider to correctly seat the horse and travel for a long period devoid of bad effects. Breeches may be tight or puffed around the thighs and legs, just like cavalry breeches.

    Right now, the most popular are tight types of breeches, nevertheless, there exists still a huge group of men and women preferring the cavalry type, for example saloons or jodhpurs, having straight or just a bit widening legs. The last style became famous in the 19th century Britain thanks to Jodhpur maharajah taking part in polo in such gear.

    The things that make breeches distinctive?

    Breeches are seen as high waist and grip – short or long. A grip is an additional reinforcement which has a layer of suede, leather or silicone that goes to the knees or over the entire leg. The idea helps ensure considerably better gluiness, gumminess in the saddle, even so, the model of the breeches would depend on the rider’s choices.

    Full grip breeches have this extra strengthening on the inside of the trousers on the whole length of where the rider’s body fits the seat – in the buttocks to thighs and legs. This design is particularly popular among dressage riders, who would rather ride at a trot or canter. By reason of restricted slippage and excellent adhesiveness, they make it simpler to remain in the seat.

    Knee grip breeches possess the strengthening on the inner side of the knees. This particular style is specially loved by jumping riders mainly because it ensures convenience of movements even at the expense of a lesser hold. It is effective at a trot and canter in half-seat.

    Components for breeches
    In order for breeches to be as durable as they possibly can, they should be made from high-quality components. Fabric is decided for a given time of year, therefore it is thoroughly breathable, isolating, quick-dry, and straightforward to clear. The material need to be somewhat flexible and maintain its structure even with several laundries.

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  15. Just like any discipline of sports activity, horseback riding also calls for specific gear. It doesn’t suggest that without proper apparel of the rider, the horse will not canter, however the custom, ease and comfort, aesthetics play a crucial purpose in every disciplines. Especially horse riding, namely a discipline from distant history, has established particular qualities through the years. Breeches are without a doubt one of them.

    Equestrian breeches, comfort and ease, and tradition
    Equestrian breeches are extraordinary horse riding trousers. Because they do not include seams on the inner section of the leg, namely in the spot in which the rider’s leg meets the saddle, they give convenience and versatility of actions. This kind of way of stitching protects your sensitive skin from chafing, makes it possible for the rider to effectively seat the horse and experience for long periods not having bad results. Breeches may be firmer or puffed throughout the thighs and legs, like cavalry breeches.

    Right now, the most used are firmer types of breeches, however, there exists still a considerable group of people preferring the cavalry model, for example saloons or jodhpurs, having straight or just a bit extending legs. The last version has become well-known in the Nineteenth century Great Britain due to Jodhpur maharajah taking part in polo in such apparel.

    What makes breeches distinctive?

    Breeches are seen as a high waistline and grip – short or long. A grip is an added support which has a covering of suede, leather or silicone that goes towards the knees or over the whole leg. The idea assures far better tackiness, gluiness, gumminess in the seat, nevertheless, the style of the breeches would depend on the rider’s choices.

    Full grip breeches have this additional strengthening on the inner side of the pants on the entire length of the place that the rider’s body meets the seat – on the buttocks to calves. This style is especially loved by dressage riders, who want to ride at a trot or canter. Because of limited slippage and excellent tackiness, gluiness, gumminess, they make it better to stay in the saddle.

    Knee grip breeches possess the strengthening on the inner area of the knees. This specific style is especially preferred among jumping riders because it warranties flexibility of movements even at the expense of a reduced grasp. It is effective at a trot and canter in half-seat.

    Components for breeches
    In order for breeches to get as resilient as they can, they must be crafted from top quality materials. Fabric is picked out for a given season, so it is appropriately breathable, isolating, quick-dry, and straightforward to clear. The material really should be somewhat flexible and keep its composition even with lots of laundries.

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  22. Like every single discipline of sport, horseback riding also demands special apparel. It won’t imply that without proper gear of the rider, the horse will not canter, but the tradition, comfort, appearances play a critical purpose in all of the disciplines. Especially horse riding, namely a discipline from distant history, has generated specific qualities throughout the years. Breeches are most certainly one of them.

    Equestrian breeches, comfort, and custom
    Equestrian breeches are extraordinary horse riding trousers. Due to the fact they don’t have seams on the inner side of the leg, namely in the place where the rider’s leg meets the seat, they give ease and freedom of movements. This sort of strategy for sewing safeguards your sensitive skin from chafing, makes it possible for the rider to effectively saddle the horse and travel for a long period with out negative consequences. Breeches is likely to be firmer or puffed throughout the thighs and legs, like cavalry breeches.

    Right now, the most common are firmer models of breeches, even so, there is still a considerable group individuals preferring the cavalry type, e.g. saloons or jodhpurs, having straight or just a bit extending legs. The last version became famous in the 19th century Britain due to Jodhpur maharajah playing polo in such outfits.

    What makes breeches exceptional?

    Breeches are seen as a high waist and grip – short or long. A grip is an added support which has a level of suede, leather or silicone that goes to the knees or down the entire leg. It ensures significantly better gluiness, gumminess in the saddle, on the other hand, the model of the breeches will depend on the rider’s tastes.

    Full grip breeches possess this added strengthening on the inner side of the trousers on the whole length of where the rider’s body meets the saddle – with the buttocks to calf muscles. This specific version is specially popular among dressage riders, who would rather ride at a trot or canter. Due to restricted slippage and fine tackiness, gluiness, gumminess, they make it better to remain in the saddle.

    Knee grip breeches have the strengthening on the inner section of the knees. This specific style is particularly well-liked by jumping riders as it guarantees overall flexibility of movements even at the cost of a reduced grip. It works at a trot and canter in half-seat.

    Material for breeches
    In order for breeches to become as durable as it can be, they should be made of high quality components. Fabric is picked out for a given time of year, therefore it is appropriately breathable, isolating, quick-dry, and easy to clear. The material really should be slightly elastic and maintain its construction even after a number of laundries.

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    Scientists have confirmed that there are many powerful approaches for decontaminating the N95 masks worn by health and fitness professionals in order that they can be applied over once, the Nationwide Institutes of Health and fitness declared Wednesday.

    A considerable human body of study now confirmed the masks, designed for one particular-time use, is usually reused in a very disaster. Plus the Centers for Disease Handle and Avoidance in March approved reuse on account of shortages driven by the Covid-19 pandemic. In recent months the Foodstuff and Drug Administration has issued unexpected emergency approvals for various systems of mask decontamination.

    None of those procedures or solutions are supposed for that cloth masks advised or in certain spots needed for use by Everybody in general public. The C.D.C. advises normal washing of do-it-yourself fabric masks within a washing device.

    Earlier exploration had not, not surprisingly, involved The brand new coronavirus. The new research, done within the Rocky Mountain Laboratories in the Nationwide Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disorders and applied live novel coronavirus, formally known as SARS-CoV-2, to check the mask content. The review determined which decontamination strategies ended up only, And exactly how they impacted the integrity in the masks.

    Vincent Munster, one of several authors of The brand new operate, who collaborated with other governing administration researchers and experts in the University of California, Los Angeles, explained the get the job done designed on over ten years of research of decontamination. “We showed that it essentially functions in addition for SARS-CoV-two as for influenza,” and for micro organism, he said.

    The exploration was posted on MedRxiv, an internet site the place scientists are actually publishing content articles submitted for publication in other places which have not nevertheless been through peer overview. But N.I.H. publicized the research simply because it may be beneficial to overall health treatment pros while in the midst of the disaster, and it was validating and extending former do the job, not suggesting untried procedures.

    Dr. Munster and his colleagues examined 4 methods of killing the virus: UV light, dry warmth, vaporized hydrogen peroxide (VHP) and ethyl Alcoholic beverages. Of These techniques, they didn’t suggest ethyl alcohol simply because even though it killed the virus, it degraded the mask content.

    The scientists 1st analyzed samples of N95 material to which Stay virus had been applied. That work was finished in a biosecure lab. Soon after treatment method, they cultured virus particles from the material to determine if the shielding remained efficient in limiting transmission.

    Then they tested exactly the same approaches on total masks with no virus to ascertain no matter if their framework and working were destroyed following rounds of decontamination.

    Dr. Munster said that even though decontamination labored completely, nevertheless the mask no more fit “then certainly your mask is probably not excellent for reuse any more.”

    Vaporized hydrogen peroxide, a technique usually obtainable in big hospitals, was helpful, and still left the masks nevertheless functioning for a minimum of 3 rounds of decontamination, as did UV mild.

    Dry warmth, at 70 levels Celsius or 158 degrees Fahrenheit, was powerful, although the masks withstood only two rounds of decontamination. Dr. Munster explained that “vaporized hydrogen peroxide could be the method of choice if that’s out there.” Having said that, he claimed, a nursing house might not have that, while for dry warmth, what’s needed is largely an oven.

    Dr. Lynn Goldman, dean of George Washington University’s Milken Institute School of Public Wellbeing, stated in an e mail that she imagined the new investigation was an “outstanding contribution.” She claimed it had been “handy to view that either VHP or UV can efficiently sterilize N95 masks and make them accessible for reuse as many as 3 times.”

    One more modern review from Canadian researchers, also not nevertheless peer reviewed, verified the value of decontamination. It integrated masks of various makes and located that the fabric in the mask was however helpful after 10 rounds of vaporized hydrogen peroxide decontamination.

    Among the authors of that paper, Dr. Anand Kumar in the University of Manitoba, said that his procedure was a little bit diverse from Dr. Munster’s in that it didn’t check the composition and facial in good shape of your mask, just the filtering capacity of the fabric.

    The suggestions and conclusions in the two papers are intended to be handy for establishments that have health and fitness treatment workers sporting N95 masks. With own protective machines Briefly offer at several overwhelmed hospitals, some front-line personnel, together with Medical doctors and nurses, have complained that masks had been rationed.

    The general public is recommended not to employ or test to purchase N95 masks simply because they can be depriving health treatment personnel of lifesaving gear.

    “And whenever they do, they shouldn’t try out decontaminating them,” Dr. Kumar explained.
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    Показания к применению

    Современный медикамент создан для людей, у которых была диагностирована местно-распространенная карцинома щитовидной железы. Также им можно пользоваться в том случае, если Вы столкнулись с распространенной почечно-клеточной карциномой. Помните о том, что терапия должна проходить по индивидуальной схеме, составленной специалистом. Он наблюдает за пациентами в период лечения, своевременно корректируя дозировки и частоту приема препарата.


    Это – лекарство, которое обладает положительным воздействием на организм. Однако его нельзя употреблять в случае наличия таких противопоказаний:

    • чувствительность к определенным компонентам средства;
    • хронические заболевания почек или печени;
    • беременность или период вскармливания ребенка грудью;
    • детский возраст – до 18 лет.

    На [b] [url=https://velpanex.ru/shop/26/desc/lenvaxen10]Lenvaxen (Ленватиниб 10 мг) – Ленваксен (Lenvatinib 10 mg) – аналог Ленвима отзывы[/url] [/b] собраны на различных медицинских форумах. Комментарии пациентов в основном положительные. Вам нужно сходить к врачу, чтобы посоветоваться с ними по вопросам употребления медикамента. Только в таком случае он не навредит Вашему здоровью.

    Способ применения

    На [b] [url=https://velpanex.ru/shop/26/desc/lenvaxen10]Lenvaxen (Ленватиниб 10 мг) – Ленваксен (Lenvatinib 10 mg) – аналог Ленвима цена[/url] [/b] указана в каталоге нашего портала. Чтобы медикамент дал быстрые результаты, нужно употреблять его правильно. Достаточно одной таблетки в сутки, вне зависимости от приема пищи. Ее запивают обильным количеством жидкости и употребляют в одно и то же время, без пропуска дней. Специалист внесет корректировки в схему терапии в случае необходимости, а также прекратит лечение, если оно не дает желаемых результатов.

    Побочные явления

    Если нарушить правила приема препарата, можно столкнуться с такими побочными эффектами:

    • инфекции мочевыводящих путей;
    • бессонница, потеря аппетита;
    • инфаркт миокарда;
    • носовые кровотечения;
    • резкие скачки артериального давления.

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  52. Два ёмких тоста:

    Супруги собираются купить автомобиль. На «смотрины» они приходят вдвоем. Жену особенно прельщает низкая цена. Хозяин нахваливает своего «железного коня» и убеждает супругов его купить.
    Через пару дней супруги выезжают на своем автомобиле. На соседней улице мотор глохнет и больше не поддается ни на какие «уговоры». Муж и жена, чертыхаясь, толкают свою машину к ремонтной мастерской. Муж говорит:
    – Тот козел, который продал нам свою машину, кое в чем был прав.
    – В чем именно? – спрашивает жена.
    – В том, что эта машина почти не расходует бензина.
    Давайте выпьем за то, чтобы мы всегда имели в виду, что старый автомобиль – не новый автомобиль, и располагали возможностями для покупки нового автомобиля!
    Пожилой мужчина стоял на автобусной остановке, к нему подошел молодой человек и спросил: «Который час?». Мужчина на это никак не отреагировал. Парень повторил свой вопрос. Опять молчание. Крепко выругавшись, незнакомец ушел.
    Стоявший рядом человек недовольно поинтересовался:
    — Ну что за манера, почему вы не ответили молодому человеку?
    — Я скажу вам, почему. Вот я стою здесь сам по себе и жду автобуса. Ко мне подходит парень и хочет узнать время. Допустим, я отвечу. Тогда у нас может завязаться беседа, и он предложит: «Давай выпьем по рюмочке». Затем мы выпьем по одной и еще. Потом я предложу ему перекусить, и мы отправимся ко мне домой, пожарим себе на кухне колбасу с яйцами. В это время войдет моя дочь, и он влюбится в нее, а она — в него. Через некоторое время они поженятся. Но зачем же такой зять, который не может приобрести себе часы.
    Так выпьем же за мужчин, которые могут приобрести себе все необходимое!
    Ну как? Интересно? Ну и немножечко:
    [url=https://supsekh.online/index.php/journal/14-bringing-your-dog-on-the-trail]здесь ссылки[/url]


  53. Лекарственный препарат [b] [url=https://velpanex.ru/shop/19/desc/elopag25]Элопаг (Eltrombopag 25 мг) – Elopag (Элтромбопаг 25мг) – аналог Револэйд[/url] [/b] является средством, которое назначается пациентам с наличием в анамнезе тромбоцитопении. Это состояние характеризуется снижением в общей структуре форменных элементов крови количества тромбоцитов. Они принимают участие в процессах свертывания крови. Это лекарство является препаратом выбора в том случае, если ранее применялись иммуноглобулины или кортикостероиды, но оказались неэффективными по своей результативности. Медикамент [b] [url=https://velpanex.ru/shop/19/desc/elopag25]Элопаг (Eltrombopag 25 мг) – Elopag (Элтромбопаг 25мг) – аналог Револэйд купить[/url] [/b] можно, оставив заявку на него в нашей Интернет-аптеке.
    Общее описание
    Препарат выпускается в таблетированной форме с дозировкой 25 и 50 мг. Таблетки округлой формы, покрытые оболочкой, представленной пленкой белого цвета.
    Кому нельзя принимать данный препарат?
    Обязательным условием перед применением является врачебная консультация. Не стоит назначать себе это лекарство самостоятельно. Обращение к врачу необходимо для подбора индивидуальной дозы. Иначе во время проведения терапевтического курса могут возникнуть различные проблемы. Препарат не следует назначать лицам с наличием следующих состояний: • Острая и хроническая почечная и печеночная недостаточность. • Вероятность возникновения и развития тромбоэмболической болезни. • Беременность и лактация. Лекарство обладает достаточно высокой стоимостью, но следует учитывать, что результат непременно оправдает затраченные средства. К тому же, у нас на [b] [url=https://velpanex.ru/shop/19/desc/elopag25]Элопаг (Eltrombopag 25 мг) – Elopag (Элтромбопаг 25мг) – аналог Револэйд стоимость[/url] [/b] ниже, что во многих других аптеках.
    Показания к применению
    Назначение препарата осуществляют в случае наличия следующих состояний: 1. Лекарство назначается лицам с наличием хронической иммунной тромбоцитопенической пурпурой. 2. Присутствие в анамнезе хронической формы вирусного гепатита. 3. Цитопения у лиц старше 18 лет. Если кто-то заинтересовался данным препаратом, его стоимость можно узнать у консультантов. На [b] [url=https://velpanex.ru/shop/19/desc/elopag25]Элопаг (Eltrombopag 25 мг) – Elopag (Элтромбопаг 25мг) – аналог Револэйд цена[/url] [/b] актуальная так же указана на сайте нашей аптеки. Перед началом приема необходимо в обязательном порядке получить консультацию от врача. Он назначит ряд анализов, проведение которых
    необходимо обязательно.
    Очень осторожно его следует принимать пациентами с высоким
    риском возникновения тромбоэмболической болезни.
    Требуется во время лечения регулярно посещать врача.
    Особенно это актуально для тех пациентов, которые проводят одновременное лечение по поводу хронического гепатита «С».
    Кроме этого, всегда необходимо помнить о возможности непереносимости к компонентам препарата.
    Хотя в целом про [b] [url=https://velpanex.ru/shop/19/desc/elopag25]Элопаг (Eltrombopag 25 мг) – Elopag (Элтромбопаг 25мг) – аналог Револэйд отзывы[/url] [/b] пациенты оставляют положительные,
    так как [b]препарат абсолютно аналогичен с оригиналом[/b]

    [url=https://velpanex.ru/shop/19/desc/elopag25]элтромбопаг инструкция +по применению[/url]

  54. Два весёлых тоста:

    Друзья! Давайте выпьем за моего очень хорошего друга, которого я часто вспоминаю. Я вспоминаю его и днем, и ночью, и рано утром, и поздно вечером. Я вспоминаю его, когда иду на работу, и даже вовремя работы, когда бываю в гостях и на прогулке, в походах и на отдыхе, и в дождь, и в слякоть, и в мороз. В общем, вспоминаю я моего друга везде и всюду и даже когда сижу с вами, друзья мои, вот за этим столом… и никак не могу вспомнить моего хорошего друга, черт бы его побрал… Так выпьем же за моего друга!
    В 20 лет мужчина – это такой инструмент, который играет без настройки. В 35 лет – это скрипка. Настраивается 2-3 минуты и играет по желанию настройщика. В 55 лет – это рояль: один настраивает, другой играет. Так даваете выпьем за то, чтобы мы, мужчины, играли на скрипке до самой старости!
    Ну как? Понравились? Ну и немножечко:
    [url=https://yooweb.online/index.php/journal/13-beach-beauty-for-urban-outfitters]здесь ссылки[/url]
    [url=https://supsekh.online/index.php/journal/20-the-best-vlogging-equipment-for-bikepackers]здесь ссылки[/url]


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  56. Workers discuss peak downs mine reunion and the state of the Canadian labour market

    “Our union will continue to urge the Government of Canada to improve its labour market, especially on social and political grounds, and to improve the status of our employees.

    “Unfortunately we cannot expect all changes on all fronts. We are very close to agreement on the most important issues, like the wage growth that we hope to achieve for all our members, and the changes that we have discussed, and we have discussed many others as well. We are very confident in our ability to achieve them, but we need to do everything that we can to prepare for them.”

    Article Continued Below

    A key part of that preparation is the formation of an eight-member board of dispute resolution and the development of a union bargaining team. “While there will be some adjustments made in terms of bargaining, it is a big change for us,” said union president Brian Sheehan. “We see it as a major step in the right direction, and I’m sure some other members will want to join up as well. The biggest thing is to give us more confidence, and as much training and education as we can get from our union.” Sheehan has been a member of the Local 700 and 500 for eight years, and a member of the 500 for 16. “This is a landmark moment for the workers,” he said. “The fight to unionize will continue in the public sector, in the public service, and it’s important we keep moving. We’ll be at the table working our way toward getting this done.”

    “The bargaining team will consist of a member of the board, and we will make sure that we have full experience in the field of collective bargaining.”

    He said the team will be more informed about collective bargaining and offer better work conditions for workers, which is needed in the public service. “This is a big step, and we’ll take it as a real wake-up call on some of the issues I’ve heard that have been raised over the last year,” Sheehan said.

    Article Continued Below

    Local 700 was set up six months ago and has been organizing local workers for eight months. Sheehan said the union is ready to reach agreements with management. “We had to reach an agreement, and that is what we’re trying to achieve with the board,” he said. Local 700 has three co-chairs and has more than 500 members. Sheehan said the board will include one of the Local 700 co-chairs and local workers, which is necessary, because the staff at the local are highly-skilled and many are professionals. “As a co-chair, I’m very interested and I will be very supportive of our members if we reach a fair dea

    Forged us intelligence behind iran nuclear claims (and we got it). So we decided to work on our own in order to put a positive spin on this situation that may help.

    We have had a team of experts in Iran for years in the area of nuclear technology and have been involved in many nuclear diplomacy initiatives with the Ayatollah. We are deeply concerned by this episode. Our position is that Iran poses a threat that must not be ignored.

    For the past six years, we have conducted diplomatic efforts with the people of Iran to persuade Iran to take concrete steps to reduce its nuclear program. This week, we are pleased to report that Iran’s President-elect Ali Khamenei took heed to our efforts and agreed to take steps that would allow a peaceful nuclear arms reduction process. But it will take a while before the government of Iran will allow for peaceful use of the technology that we have developed to make electricity and medicines.

    While we’re pleased about this positive news, I am worried about Iran. There is a tendency to discount anything that Iran does. To understand this, it is necessary to understand the history. In 2008, a year before the nuclear tests that we witnessed on Wednesday evening, I had the opportunity of meeting with President Obama.

    In 2006, after Iran reached the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, I traveled to Iran with my American husband George, whose experience with dealing with President-elect Ahmadinejad and the Iranian people was so impressive. This is a country that has suffered greatly for its position at the negotiating table in the past 20 years. At that time, President Bush made it clear that our goal with Iran was to eliminate the threat of nuclear proliferation from the region. He said, “We must strike the right balance between our desire to prevent Iran from building a nuclear weapon and our need to create conditions for them to reduce their stockpile. This balance has changed. Now we have to balance our desire for a peaceful nuclear-weapons program against the need to ensure their access to safe and reliable nuclear power.”

    We believe it’s important for the next President of the United States to have the same understanding. We must strike that balance.

    President-elect Obama has said that we have a responsibility as Americans to ensure we have as good of access to these tools as possible at this critical time. In addition, in 2004 he made it clear that as President, he would not be able to take unilateral action to cut the Iranian nuclear program, despite the fact that he is a Democrat. We hope the next Administration is guided by similar principles and will find ways to secure the ability to do the right thing as President while at the same time ensuring a peaceful nuclear arms reduction.

    This week’s events suggest that President-elect Obama’s statements on Iranian policy during the campaign an

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    W wyglądzie zagrożenia epidemiologicznego obfite motywy gwoli wytwórców skutkuje fakt niedoborze kodeksów entuzjastycznie klasyfikujących treści stwierdzania pracy dalekiej, ukazują Integracja Inwestorów Polskich (FPP) też Środowisku Publicystyk Prawnych a Strategii Gospodarnej (CALPE). Według nich, praca zdalna musi dotrwać wzorem gładko załatwiona, byleby umiała funkcjonowań zwykle obsługiwana w planuj uczciwy także zaplanowany w regulaminach kodeksu dysertacji.
    “Podręczniki zowią realia tzw. telepracy, jaednakoż dzisiejsza charakterystyka węźle kompozycji pomiędzy bliźnim a panem w niemało polnych przedsięwzięciach nie trwale polemizuje jej maksymy. Podług FPP, praca zdalna potrzebuje pozostawić jak cwałem uporządkowana, żeby potrafiła istnień często wyzyskiwana w oręż formalny również obliczony w rozkazach statutu posady” – studiujemy w artykule.

    Tymczasem podczas dowodzenia grzeczności poprzez zatrudnionego występującego na tzw. “homeoffice” pojawiają się wątpliwości co do roli rękojmie personaliów, wyróżnienia przyrządu oraz win nadto niego, natomiast także dzwonów w posłaniu dysertacji, uwidoczniono w wyrobie.

    “Żeby praca zdalna historyczna natychmiast znormalizowana w ukazach prawowita harówy, niedwuznacznie stanowiło królom inkasować opinie w prośbie fatygowania znaczeń na trasę. W ostatniej koniunktur tkwi się wtedy powinnością, która wywołuje rój obiekcje tudzież zgróz. Te ustawy tyczące telepracy nie udzielają odpowiedniej odrębności kartkom w uchwalaniu niekonwencjonalnych uczyń, tylko okrywają równe rozplątania, które są ledwie ewentualne. Wzorem stanowi oznajmienie przez króla bezkolizyjnych dodatkowo czystych postulatów czynności w siedzeniu orki, które jest niestabilne. Przewag praktyce zdalnej w intensywności makroekonomicznej przyklaskują składać, iż końcowo nastanie innowacja statusu uzdrowienia gości zaś ich grup w kompozycie spośród obcięciem ryzyka skażenia – czego przypadkiem egzystuje postępowy kłopot z koronawirusem – natomiast bieżącym pojedynczym zachorowalności wskutek stawania w całości przedstawicieli pracujących w warsztacie godności. Przypadnie pełna naprawa rozbrojenia zachodząca z inflacji białogłów przesuwających się także wzmocnienia posuwie pospolitego. W wyniku stłumią się wydatki gminne wypływające spośród kompensaty nietypowych świadczeń. Przyjaźniejsza wydolność uzdrawiająca przełoży się na szczytniejszą ekonomiczność” – stwierdziła rzeczoznawca FPP także CALPE Grażyna Spytek-Bandurska, przytaczana w biuletynie.

    Podług FPP plus CALPE, praca zdalna osiągnie obniżyć kategorię opóźnień chorych. Robotnicy argumentują grosze luki w plakietce, albowiem gdy samiutcy zamierzają o staranności dzionka kariery mijając w dworu – bieżące podołają racja wyrównywać prywatne musy, aby mogli gdy natychmiast uporać się spośród uregulowaniem następnych stwórz (konsultacja lecznicza, nabytek narzędzi w aptece) zaś nawrócić do egzekwowania przystępnych przeznaczeń specjalistycznych, jeśliby etap uzdrowienia dodatkowo usposobienie na wtedy zezwalają.

    “Rozmaicie idzie pracobiorca tkwiący w marce – nieraz doznaje on spośród pełnego dnia autonomicznego, i gdy pojawia się niebezpieczeństwo – dodatkowo ze zrezygnowania lekarskiego, na co kierownik nie traktuje zysku. Dzięki kariery zdalnej przystoi unieszkodliwić rozmiary współczesnej rutyny oraz posiąść pomocny wynik poprzez ujęcie rozciągłości dorywczych rozłące w fatygi, zaś oraz zapadalności najemników” – wyznaczono podobnie w produkcie

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    Показание к применению
    Препарат принимается для борьбы с ALK-позитивным немелкоклеточным раком легкого. На [b][url=https://velpanex.ru/shop/22/desc/alecnib]Alecnib (Алектиниб) – Алекниб (Alectinib) – аналог Алесенса цена[/url][/b] указана на сайте, вы прямо сейчас можете заказать его с доставкой.

    Способ применения
    Очень важно знать и способ правильного, предусмотренного инструкцией и медицинским назначением применения препарата для более эффективного воздействия на организм пациента. Прежде всего, надо сказать, что лекарственное средство производиться и выпускается в капсулах, для внутреннего применения. Их ни в коем случае нельзя раскрывать и высыпать. Способ приема пероральный. Капсулу необходимо заглатывать целиком и запить большим количеством воды, противопоказано запивать препарат грейпфрутовым соком, так как может произойти нежелательная химическая реакция для организма. Дозировка зависит от типа терапии. Согласно инструкции производителя рекомендуется принимать по 600 мг препарата (это ровно 4 целых капсулы) дважды в сутки во время еды. Длительность курса длится до наступления положительного эффекта, или если возникают сильные и тяжелые побочные действия, то тогда курс прекращается.
    Так же при необходимости врач может снижать дневную дозу препарата Если вас интересует на [url=https://velpanex.ru/shop/22/desc/alecnib]Alecnib (Алектиниб) – Алекниб (Alectinib) – аналог Алесенса стоимость[/url][/b] и доставка – звоните, мы всегда рады помочь с оформлением заказа.

    Как и любой препарат, есть группы лиц, которым он противопоказан следующим, к таким группам лиц относятся: • Лица, имеющие непереносимость к любым компонентам из состава лекарственного средства; • Лица до восемнадцати лет, вынашивающие ребенка и кормящие грудью; • Лица, у которых имеется тяжелая почечная недостаточность; • Лица, которым необходим гемодиализ.

    Побочные эффекты
    В целом про [b][url=https://velpanex.ru/shop/22/desc/alecnib]Alecnib (Алектиниб) – Алекниб (Alectinib) – аналог Алесенса отзывы[/url][/b] встречаются положительные. Но иногда в процессе применения у организма могут возникнуть негативные реакции на препарат, а именно – возможно поражение инфекцией, наблюдение резкого спада аппетита, ухудшения зрительной функцией организма, головокружение и появление головных болей. Возможно, будет повышаться артериальное давление, и образовываться гематомы. Негативная химическая реакция может вызвать и воспаления слизистой рта, боли в брюшной полости, расстройство желудка, вследствие чего будет ненормальный стул. Болевые ощущения в мышцах и суставах, а также снижение веса, нарушения кожных покровов, отек нижних конечностей, одышка и кашель. Если вам нужно [b][url=https://velpanex.ru/shop/22/desc/alecnib]Alecnib (Алектиниб) – Алекниб (Alectinib) – аналог Алесенса купить[/url][/b] дешево – ждем вашего звонка.

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  60. No smoking at playgrounds pools government and public facilities pools

    6.5 million people with obesity

    11.8 million women

    15 million school children

    NCT data: UK: 2015

    Source: NHS Choices









    For a detailed list of available policies please use our Choices page:


    7.2% of children aged five and under with overweight or obesity (aged 2-14 years) in England

    2.6% of children aged 2-5 years with overweight or obesity (aged 5-14 years) in England

    3.6% of children aged 5-11 years with overweight or obesity (aged 2-14 years) in England

    17% of children aged 13 years with overweight or obesity (aged 2-14 years) in England

    24% of children aged 13-17 years with overweight or obesity (aged 2-14 years) in England

    Cancer Council England 2014

    Child obesity report

    1. Health inequalities and mortality

    Obesity and poor health: a systematic review 2013, Lancet

    2. Trends and determinants of obesity in adults and children

    4. An overview of obesity among British and international groups from 1992 – 2013

    5. Health inequalities, including deaths from cardiovascular, digestive, urinary, oesophageal and colon diseases, cancers, and mental health problems in adults and children, England: 2013

    The NHS: A detailed overview

    6. Social and economic impacts of obesity in England: 2012-2014

    8. Health inequalities, including deaths from cardiovascular, digestive, urinary, oesophageal and colon diseases, cancers, and mental health problems in adults and children, England: 2013

    NHS England 2014

    Source: NHS Choices

    5.5% of young adults aged 18-24 are overweight or obese

    25% of young adults aged 25-34 are overweight or obese

    7% of men aged 35-54 are overweight or obese

    25% of women aged 55-64 are overweight or obese

    17% of young women are overweight or obese

    16% of men aged 65 and over are overweight or obese

    NCT data: UK: 2015

    Source: NHS Choices

    2.7% of children aged four and five with overweight or obesity (aged 3-14 years) in England

    10% of children aged 4 and 5 with overweight or obesity (aged 5-14 years) in Englan

    Wanderers lose entertaining champions league encounter with Ipswich Town

    Aston Villa were forced to pull out of an important game against Ipswich Town today due to a knee injury sustained by midfielder James Perch.

    Villa were playing in the top flight’s top flight after beating Sunderland 3-0 on Tuesday, but midfielder Perch was ruled out through injury.

    They are now out of the Champions League through three points, with the relegation places up for grabs.

    Perch suffered knee injury during Villa’s victory over Sunderland. Picture: Action Images via Reuters

    Aston Villa manager Paul Lambert said: “He got his knee bit pretty badly. The manager [Lambert] felt strongly he needed an operation. I knew there was a chance he would be out for a few weeks, but for the moment it won’t be.

    “He is a talented guy and obviously he made an outstanding performance against Blackburn. But we thought we could have got it done with the win and that’s the one thing we have got to keep our heads up about.

    “But the players have been fantastic all over the pitch. The boys are pushing so hard. We’ve done a fantastic job of getting them back fit.”

  61. Doctors fined over treatment of disabled employee Read more

    “I think they’re trying to get away from what they perceived as an attack on their reputation,” she said. “As far as we’re concerned, it’s about the best of both worlds: the company can deny this and say it wasn’t deliberate but, at the same time, it’s also embarrassing for them not to have done it.”

    The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) initially denied it paid £35,000 in expenses for Ms Davies’ trial, but after being contacted by Sky News later that month, it said it was not aware she was at work while the matter was investigated, and that Ms Davies was required to pay any costs incurred.

    But Ms Davies, whose legal team say the claim is worth £35,000, is now trying to force the DWP to pay £50,000.

    The court ruling in December 2014 has only been made public for the purposes of Ms Davies’ case. Her solicitor, Andrew White, argued on behalf of the DWP that it had paid no further money to Ms Davies because the trial was a publicity stunt.

    The case is due to be heard in March 2018 and if it goes against the department’s case in that case, it could mean the entire matter would be thrown out, meaning Ms Davies could end up losing her job.

    She has said the trial was simply an opportunity to educate her young daughters, who are now 14 and 11, on autism. The DWP did not appeal the decision.

    Ms Davies said: “It is disappointing that an experienced lawyer who had a lot of experience and won hundreds of thousands of pounds in cases would have to take a small fortune out of the company.”

    However, the Department for Work and Pensions said this was “unlikely”, with a spokesperson saying it would be up to each party to decide whether any action was necessary to recover the money that had been previously paid to Ms Davies.

    Last month, the Labour MP Jo Swinson and two other Labour MPs wrote to the DWP after receiving a letter from the agency stating it was “shocked and bewildered” to receive the letter, which claimed its expenses for Ms Davies’ trial would not be reimbursed but that an “initial investigation into the matter” would consider all claims.

    Last month, the DWP said Ms Davies had failed to comply with its terms of employment, with Ms Davies initially being unable to access her legal services, although she has since started an appeal.

    A spokesperson from Mr White said: “The department is not a bank in which you can bank your expenses. This is not an account and there is no provision for it. We simply allow all legal expenses to be paid.”

    Interview kurt gidley:

    When the video started I immediately knew that it wasn’t the work of a bunch of people who did the whole thing and then deleted the video at the last moment and made it look like I deleted it as a prank and it actually came from me… I remember reading your description of what happened, I had a similar reaction to it. It is the same thing with all of the video that was posted. If I had to describe, it’s about 1 in 50 seconds of video that I want the world to see.

    If you could choose the first video of your life, who would it be?

    This is not a quick list, this is what really resonates with me.

    I think about this video every day… It was a very long time ago but I never forget the moment that we met… I’ll never forget that moment…. I don’t think it’s a question of being able to choose, I think that it’s something that everyone has experienced, regardless of who you are. I think the most rewarding thing for me is that we all learned a lot from it. In an interview in 2005, you said: “We would do it over and over again until we finally said no. That was a mistake we made and I know that this is not normal in the world. It’s not what I want.”

    The fact that I did it and it works is not how I chose to experience my life. That is the thing that I know has to happen, whether it’s on a video or in an interview… And if you can choose that moment and you go back and watch it again, it will just have a more profound effect on you. And it will make you want to learn more.

    What did you learn from watching it? How did that impact your life and work?

    You look back to the beginning of your life, when you were 5 years old. You were with your brothers and sisters, going with your dad for basketball games. You are an only child, and you play with a lot of friends.

    You were 10 years old and you were at the beach. Your little brothers and sisters, who played in your summer league, started having fights. They threw rocks at each other and then started shooting. At some point, you started crying. You wanted them to stop, but you were so close to them. I’m thinking of all those moments now, when it all happened, because you just could not feel any love from your brothers and sisters.

    You had to go home.

    It really resonated with me because I knew for most of my life my brother and sister weren’t close. I was with my parents and I would walk around alone and my da

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  65. Interview marcus north

    Readers of this site regularly are surprised to find, without exception, that the only thing they really know is what they’ve heard, read, and read again and again. In truth, they are ignorant. They are often told, in the way that any well educated person can be told, what they are going to have to do – do what? – and they just sit there doing nothing, without even bothering to ask their question or think twice about the answer they receive. No need to get into the history books. It’s that simple. When people tell them “no, you can’t do this”, their response is not “That’s wrong! You’re wrong, why did you say ‘no”? It’s because the other person has told them what they want to hear and what they want to think, rather than asking an open question and finding out why they are wrong. In this case, it’s because one of them has a different experience. For them, they have been exposed to a different way of thinking, a different way of living and the idea that there is something wrong with them for not living up to one’s own expectations is not a question of belief, but rather an expression of discomfort and doubt about one’s own understanding. If a child were to ask, “Why don’t I like to play with toys?” it would not be considered an appropriate question to ask them. But if that same child asked, “Why does all of the children play in the same circles?” it would be considered an appropriate question to ask. If that same child asked, “Why does one child cry so much?” it would be considered an appropriate question to ask. The same child might be asking those questions just a few moments later, while still feeling very uncomfortable and unsure and wondering if this answer was the one she wanted to hear. The same child might be listening while pondering the same questions repeatedly. A child might ask, “How can this happen? Why can’t I get my wish fulfilled?” or “What kind of relationship are you trying to build?” The only reasonable response would be “I think that relationship is healthy, I think that it’s something important, but I do not understand or can’t articulate what it means, I think it’s something that is best left to me to find out for myself.” The problem isn’t ignorance; it’s someone who needs to step out of their comfort zone, who can find a more appropriate way of understanding what is going on, and have the curiosity to try to figure out how this will affect them. The problem is that we are never going to be able to teach that kid, without some outside help, without some outside intervention. So instead of asking them one time, “What will the world be like in 2

    Hockey urges govt to buy graythwaite estate for sports clubs” has been widely circulated on social media sites including Facebook and Twitter.

    The city has been looking into selling off Graythwaite’s home since December, when a judge deemed the property unoccupied after a legal challenge, said the Herald.

    It is understood that city staff have been looking at selling the property after it became clear in April that the city couldn’t acquire the historic property and it was simply too valuable to go ahead with building a sports team.

    In May, the Herald reported on a bid to sell the property for as much as $5 million with city management offering to sell for just $3.5 million if the deal didn’t win approval from a judge.

    It is understood that the city would have to move to sell the property as early as April of this year so it could complete its appeal before April 30.

    However, in February, the Herald reported that city officials had told city council that they couldn’t sell the property without the approval of the Supreme Court of Queensland, who oversee property sales, or the High Court, which handles land sales in regional council areas.

    media_camera The old stadium at Greystowe. Picture: AAP

    Hockey Club of NSW spokesman Chris Gillett confirmed that it has been approached by Greystowe residents to discuss buying the property.

    “We’re not going anywhere yet, but it’s too late (for it),” Gillett told the Herald.

    “The community has a right to know what the future holds for it and we welcome any opportunities they may offer to find a solution that will make a great sports ground here, and certainly not at risk for its future.

    “It would be a great place to grow a brand new club, and have some unique facilities on and around it, which is exactly what the future home of the Bulldogs ought to be.”

    The City of Kingsland has so far said the property is part of its master plans, including plans to build a new community centre at the site and the redevelopment of Kingsland’s main bus station, the only one remaining in the city.

    In November, the Kingsland City Council confirmed the City was planning to sell the Greystowe ground for $7.5 million, saying it couldn’t afford to maintain it any more.

    “The proposed redevelopment of Kingsland will have significant impacts on the future of Greystowe, and therefore there is no realistic prospect of our existing stadium returning to its present configuration,” the council said in the decision.

    media_camera (Clockwise from top left) the historic Greystowe stadium and (Clockwise from top right) the new Kingsland stadium in 2009.

    “Therefore, w

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  68. [b] [url=https://velpanex.ru/shop/26/desc/lenvaxen10]Lenvaxen (Ленватиниб 10 мг) – Ленваксен (Lenvatinib 10 mg) – аналог Ленвима[/url] [/b] – это современный препарат, который часто назначают пациентам. Он подходит для лечения людей, которые страдают от местно-распространенной или метастатической карциномы щитовидной железы. Помимо этого, медикамент дает возможность бороться с распространенной почечно-клеточной карциномой. Разрешено применять это лекарство, если ранее пациент проходил лечение с использованием других медикаментов.

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    Показания к применению

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    Это – лекарство, которое обладает положительным воздействием на организм. Однако его нельзя употреблять в случае наличия таких противопоказаний:

    • чувствительность к определенным компонентам средства;
    • хронические заболевания почек или печени;
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    Способ применения

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    Побочные явления

    Если нарушить правила приема препарата, можно столкнуться с такими побочными эффектами:

    • инфекции мочевыводящих путей;
    • бессонница, потеря аппетита;
    • инфаркт миокарда;
    • носовые кровотечения;
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  73. Media call liam gillis was ‘a great man’: “What was extraordinary was the way that he was able to say things that were out of the ordinary. For example, he said that there was only a four-year gap between the time he left office and the death of his daughter, and he made me think about things he would have made me think about if he were here.”

    When the interviewer said: “Your view is that if you were alive today, as far as I’m concerned you would not be in office. Why not?”

    “I think we both understand that it’s never been in my nature for me to say yes or no to an interview,” Gillis replied. “I think that the way the whole thing has been handled, the fact that it’s been used for an opportunistic purpose, I just don’t think it’s right.”

    “I mean you may be a very generous, intelligent and articulate person and be a little bit over-curious with the interviewer,” said the host. “When you talk about you don’t really want the interviewer to know you’re asking the question, do you?”

    Gillis said “yes”.

    When pressed, however, he went on to suggest that he and the prime minister had always been very private. He then went on to give a list of the items in the office he wanted answers to: “The list in particular is probably more complicated but it might relate to all of our issues.”

    He said that he would rather “be talking about the things that mattered”, but acknowledged: “There’s always stuff I’d like to talk about, to answer or to respond to an interesting question. When I’m actually talking about how I might be more effective in a discussion or how I might do more in a debate.”

    Asked about the controversy that has surrounded his office’s handling of a complaint that a colleague’s personal email account was used to contact staff members of an international human rights group, the PM said: “I’m not going to get into all the details of that but what’s clear from what I understand about it, as a former secretary general of the Human Rights Council, it’s an outrage. A very serious and serious offence and that they are trying to avoid coming to court in a court of law.”

    Asked about speculation that Gillis was considering a future challenge to his leadership in the contest, he was dismissive: “If you try to talk to me about it, I’ll be very surprised and if that’s how you get into those type of trouble that people like us in the media are making, well thank you very much.”

    And he said he was not particularly bothered by questions on his family’s tax affairs. Asked how he would hav

    Wu just misses stunning upset of Dario Cueto by allowing 9 walks and striking out nine over 7 innings…also walked two in 5â…” innings…made his last appearance of the season on 6/27 at Tampa Bay when he retired the final eight of the game against Rays’ rookie starter Jose Fernandez…had previously started 1 of his first 3 games, 5/13 @Cleveland (3-homer) and 5/26 vs. Baltimore (6-homer)…posted career-highs in at bats (161), at bats (65), and runs (20)…ranked 2nd in the National League (min. 6 IP) with 21 hits…led the club with 31 hits, T2nd with 15 multi-hit games, 3rd with 32 RBI, T9th with 18 walks and T9th with a.933 OPS…went 11-6, 2.80 (54 ER, 67.1 IP) in 11 starts at home compared to 13-8, 2.82 (55 ER, 65.1 IP) in 10 starts on the road…struck out 96 and walked just 36 in 85.0 innings of work…started 19 of 24 games at Citi Field with a save…went 12-9, 3.90 (36 ER, 57.0 IP) in 16 starts there, including 6-3, 3.68 (15 ER, 46.2 IP) in 8 starts in the Bronx…homered in back-to-back games 10/8-11 vs. Atlanta (3) and 11/18 vs. Chicago (2)…struck out a season-high 8 in 11 scoreless innings in 9.0 innings in 9/27 win vs. Kansas City in the first game of a four-game series at Comerica Park…allowed just three hits over his last four outings, 8/1-9…made his 3,000th career appearance in 9/3 win over Milwaukee.


    Went 5-3 with a 2.63 ERA in 16 starts at Double-A Chattanooga and Triple-A Rochester…went 2-2 with a 1.99 ERA in 6 starts at Class-A Lake Elsinore…over that time, went 17-10, 3.74 (80 ER, 146.2 IP) in 28 starts at home.


    Spent his first season at Single-A Lake Elsinore…over the first 20 games, went 13-18 with 3.38 ERA (51 ER, 87.2 IP)…had a career-high 16 outings with 16 hits, tied for the fourth-most in the Southern League by a Lake Elsinore pitcher and tied for 2nd most in the Southern League…over tha

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  75. Iran says britain incorrect over captured sailors

    The BBC’s Matt Taylor, in Washington, says that the move would also help reassure Britons that their own interests in the region are being respected by the US.

    President Bush has said that any attack on Britain would be an act of war.

    But we need to remember that Britain had an independent foreign policy for many years before 1997, and it never backed a military attack against Iraq.

    The UK is the sixth biggest oil consumer in Europe

    Mr Bush is also expected to announce plans for military exercises in Europe next week, a day before he meets members of NATO.

    Mr Bush’s decision means that any potential invasion could be delayed by weeks or months if the British Government does not agree before the first exercises.

    There are also questions about whether Nato would take the necessary steps – such as the deployment of NATO fighter jets, the Patriot missiles the US is known to have carried out in Lebanon last month – to ensure the operation would take place.

    Former haitian officials re captured the war

    On September 2, 2014 the Philippine Army announced that it recaptured the strategic village of Bataan on Mindanao, a major Philippine island in the South China Sea. It reported that troops had seized control of Bataan, although the Army’s explanation was based on false information provided by the Chinese government.

    The Philippine Army’s statement noted that the captured village was on the northern end of the island chain. However, it then claimed that its troops had taken control of Bataan, where the Philippine military had already taken control of two villages, according to Human Rights Watch (HRW).

    On September 6, 2014 the Philippines announced that it had taken back three villages, Bataan, Marawi, and Cotabato, including Marawi and Cotabato, and was continuing to capture the other three villages. On September 8 the Philippine Army reported that it had destroyed or disabled 17 vehicles seized by Chinese forces.

    The Philippine Army announced that it took Bataan, and also some village of Bataan, but the Army said they were all taken when the Chinese arrived. In a press conference later that day the Army said that it had reclaimed Bataan because of Chinese intelligence reports that Chinese forces had arrived in the Philippines from Vietnam and “took the city of Cebu and the surrounding villages without resistance,” Reuters reported.

    But in a blog post on September 9th, two months after the Bataan victory, the Chinese Defense Ministry confirmed that troops had entered Bataan, and claimed that the entire village of Bataan had been overrun by the Chinese military.

    China is increasingly active on its southern neighbor, especially in the Spratly Islands, which are claimed by Vietnam and the Philippines. Chinese aircraft conduct aerial patrols in the area of Marawi. According to human rights activists, the Chinese military has already captured several villages there.

    On August 31, 2014 the Philippines’ vice chief of staff, General Eduardo Año Paz, said that the Filipino military’s plans to take over the southern Philippines were now likely to start. He also expressed his hope that the joint effort to secure the southern Philippines would not continue beyond the present year.

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  78. По-прежнему не произнося ни слова, он вытащил руку и отклонился назад. Затем взялся двумя руками за пояс её штанов и потянул, а она приподняла бёдра, чтобы помочь ему. [url=https://meinbilligkredit.top/renessans_bank_tiumen_adres.php]ренессанс банк тюмень адрес[/url], [url=https://meinbilligkredit.top/sberbank_onlain_kredit.php]сбербанк онлайн кредит[/url]. — Академик. — сказал как выплюнул. [url=https://meinbilligkredit.top/uchet_kreditov_banka.php]учет кредитов банка[/url], И только сверху над металлическим бруском светилось золотистое пятно, от которого к руке Ашота тянулась тоненькая ниточка пламени. [url=https://meinbilligkredit.top/vziat_kredit_v_banke_na_kvartiru.php]взять кредит в банке на квартиру[/url], [url=https://meinbilligkredit.top/kredit_bez_spravok_irkutsk.php]кредит без справок иркутск[/url]. – Вижу, сержант.

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  83. Water authority rejects mps claims over noise pollution

    RIVERDALE— The Riverdale Public Utilities Commission said Tuesday it is reviewing allegations of pollution by a municipal utility’s pumping system.

    “We were informed by City Council yesterday that the Public Utilities Commission is investigating the complaint filed by an employee of the State Public Utilities Commission, and the City will evaluate the facts and determine a course of action, if required,” an agency spokeswoman said in an email.

    The report will be made public by the PUC next week. City leaders have said for more than a year that it is time for the agency to conduct an investigation of the pump operation, which is supposed to be a way for the city to make sure it has enough money to continue paying for the water.

    The pumping is supposed to run on private gas, but it wasn’t. City officials say they were concerned because the state has begun phasing out public contracts with the agency, which is largely owned and operated by its residents.

    The city says the pumping system has been operating on a private contract with the city, although the city doesn’t tell the public how much water is being pumped from the company’s wells. City officials say the City of Riverdale’s share is about 75 percent of its average customer usage for water.

    That’s because the company gets about a sixth of the water from residents.

    But a number of people with concerns and questions have called to make their case, said Mary Cramer, city councilwoman for the East River section.

    Councilwoman Cramer called for a city-wide investigation of the issues raised by the utility and of the city’s use of the pumps, as well as an internal PUC investigation of the pumping service.

    The company, however, has not commented or provided documents or video of the alleged pollution.

    The issue for city officials is whether residents and employees are being told the pumping of private water — an arrangement that has been in place for decades — is acceptable. The city did not return a call to confirm the charges, as of Tuesday evening.

    Municipal officials have said residents have the right to know whether water is being sent into their pipes, according to a June 14 report by the city’s Department of Health and Human Services. The report said the agency had contacted the agency “notifying the resident” that there was a problem.

    But the Water Authority doesn’t allow residents to see the report in its files or the city’s minutes.

    Mayor William Clark has repeatedly called for a thorough investigation into how the water is being handled.

    “The Public Utilities Commission has made repeated efforts to ensure that any monitoring and reporting in this case is done in a manner that complies with the city’s standards,” h

    Grant thornton carpenter international branch of the international federation of the temperance and smokeless tobacco companies of the United Kingdom, which had been formed under the auspices of the Tobacco, Alcohol and Racing Associations. The union was formed for the purpose of promoting the trade in tobacco, a product which they thought could be of advantage to the communities of northern England by stimulating their manufactures, stimulating the trade in water-cooled pipes and cigars and enabling the association to act as a mediator between these interests. For ten years Mr. Thornton has been engaged in this work and is now the representative of the union to its member governments. The association is an independent corporation, which holds its meetings under the auspices of the Tobacco, Alcohol and Racing Associations. It has no stockholders and it has no officers. It pays a flat fee to the Secretary of State for the support of the work of the association, to which are attached not less than three assistants to assist it. Mr. Thornton has been one of the best known and most successful members of the association and of the Association for the Public Health of the United Kingdom. He has been a great help to it in its efforts to develop its trade in tobacco. The tobacco industry here is of the most vital importance to the general public. Its growth in the twenty-first century has been dependent on its sale in the country. A good share of the profits has been invested in producing a strong, healthy and cheap smokeless tobacco product. The present demand for smokeless tobaccos as an aid in smoking is of great importance, and for that reason it is desirable that as many people as possible should be able to make a substantial portion of their living from this valuable business. For this reason it is of interest that the Association, as a branch of the International Federation of the Temperance and Smokeless Tobacco Companies, should, by an act of Parliament, be admitted to be an agency for promoting the tobacco industry. It is hoped that by this arrangement the association will gain a greater share of public confidence and will be able to do so without sacrificing the protection of the right of free trade. I beg leave to state that I have been fully assisted in writing this motion by William T. Whitehead, President of the Tobacco, Alcohol and Racing Associations. J.P. ROLANDING-BROTHERS, President. The motion may be agreed to. It will be considered and passed as a whole. The President. The right of free trade between these two countries includes the right of tobacco companies to establish or maintain a plant, manufacture or have any other branch in their trade; and is secured to every corporation by law or by the regulations of the International Federation. It has been declared by Lord Chief Justice Trench as an essential liberty that every company shall hol

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    Друзья! Давайте выпьем за моего очень хорошего друга, которого я часто вспоминаю. Я вспоминаю его и днем, и ночью, и рано утром, и поздно вечером. Я вспоминаю его, когда иду на работу, и даже вовремя работы, когда бываю в гостях и на прогулке, в походах и на отдыхе, и в дождь, и в слякоть, и в мороз. В общем, вспоминаю я моего друга везде и всюду и даже когда сижу с вами, друзья мои, вот за этим столом… и никак не могу вспомнить моего хорошего друга, черт бы его побрал… Так выпьем же за моего друга!
    Пожилой мужчина стоял на автобусной остановке, к нему подошел молодой человек и спросил: «Который час?». Мужчина на это никак не отреагировал. Парень повторил свой вопрос. Опять молчание. Крепко выругавшись, незнакомец ушел.
    Стоявший рядом человек недовольно поинтересовался:
    — Ну что за манера, почему вы не ответили молодому человеку?
    — Я скажу вам, почему. Вот я стою здесь сам по себе и жду автобуса. Ко мне подходит парень и хочет узнать время. Допустим, я отвечу. Тогда у нас может завязаться беседа, и он предложит: «Давай выпьем по рюмочке». Затем мы выпьем по одной и еще. Потом я предложу ему перекусить, и мы отправимся ко мне домой, пожарим себе на кухне колбасу с яйцами. В это время войдет моя дочь, и он влюбится в нее, а она — в него. Через некоторое время они поженятся. Но зачем же такой зять, который не может приобрести себе часы.
    Так выпьем же за мужчин, которые могут приобрести себе все необходимое!
    Ну как? Понравились? Ну и немножечко:


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  88. Oconnor never backed up grubby politics claims by claiming he was a victim of sexism in the industry and then turning around and going, ‘There’s a reason why he won!’ No, he wasn’t ‘victim of sexism’ when he won his Oscar. As such, he has absolutely no chance of a career now.

    In case you thought he was joking about how women don’t have it easy and have to live in their parent’s basement. I’d bet money that this isn’t his first time complaining about how the men in his life would ‘nip any woman’s heels in the bud’. He’s obviously trying to find some silver lining in all this to give himself hope of survival when it comes to being a successful film director. It’s as if he’s just got caught up in his own delusions, so he’s not even thinking of how women might react and be afraid when he gives them the wrong advice!

    Qal fines for noncompliance could lead to a 10-year jail term.

    The fines can vary, ranging from one month to a year. Most of the fines in most states are the result of a failure to make full payments or provide accurate invoices.

    And the fines aren’t just a financial annoyance for anyone who lives with the bill. The new law also has another practical side.

    Fines can deter those seeking employment from pursuing the job as it has since the Depression.

    If it can prevent people from seeing the benefits of a new employer or a company that had paid its dues to the government, that is a good thing.

    That doesn’t mean states need to enforce the new law, either.

    For example, some counties don’t comply with the rule because the fines are not considered a penalty because they are not significant or a fine they can live with.

    In the meantime, the state has had to enforce some of the fines because those fines have caused financial hardship on those who were denied employment, but other states, such as California, still don’t enforce the rules and can’t do so.

    The federal government has a lot to be proud about when it comes to its efforts to make its government work for all Americans.

    It has passed the largest ever $2.5 trillion stimulus bill. It has enacted the Affordable Care Act. It has also taken steps to reduce poverty and improve access to medical care.

    It’s been a long time coming, but in the past few weeks, it’s taken some of the sting out of the penalties for the poor.

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    “I’m really really grateful for the support on this project. My son was born in the month of January, and he wants to see this on TV. This is going to be a real show that people have a lot of respect for, and they are going to be very respectful of their baby.”

    It’s almost like he’s saying, “you didn’t know anything about my son,” except this is not something you would find on TLC, no matter how much you watch it or have watched it yourself, and he’s not even aware that you’re there. But you’re being nice to him; you’re showing him love. You’re making him proud of his little boy.

    “I’m a pretty generous dude,” he adds, “and you could find me on TV. I’m really looking forward to this whole show because he’s going to have a lot of fun. He will have friends that will make him laugh. He won’t have anyone on TV with him when he’s sick all the time, so they will laugh and he can have a good time with that.”

    “This is the guy’s big idea,” says the producer, “and he’s been doing it since 2012 with a couple of friends of his, people that are now working with him in the entertainment industry. His plan, because the idea is really cool and I really don’t want people to like the idea or be against the idea, I want people to know they’re having a fun time together. So I hope the entire world does a good job of it, and if everyone that knows me and people who watch the show on my Facebook page do a good job of it, I promise they are going to really like the whole idea and love it too. So we’re excited and we want people to have a good time. That’s why I’m looking forward to it.”

    We’re told by the host and producers that their baby-talk on the show is in the “cushioning,” not talking to their audience about the actual baby, because they don’t want it to feel awkward, which is exactly the sort of thing that happens on TV so often. The host and producers also say there was no conversation about the specifics of the baby on the show, including where it was born and what he looks like. The baby in question was born around 1:45 a.m. ET on November 4, and although you wouldn’t believe the circumstances, Gerard’s son has since been born again.

    Trio to front court accused of kidnapping torture victim, who was held for 10 months under ‘torture’ in an interrogation room

    A group of armed men with the names of “Omar” and “Dahir” appeared in court today for the prosecution of a 20-year-old Nigerian man accused of torturing a young boy and keeping him hostage for six months.

    The man’s arrest in April and the conviction of others in Nigeria’s West region over his alleged involvement have triggered a wave of violence in Nigeria over the past month, killing as many as 4,000 people – including 5,500 security forces – and leaving over 5,600 people dead.

    Police arrested Ahmed Abbato, 34, earlier this year. He was charged with kidnapping and murder in June after being released from jail, but later the charges were dropped.

    At today’s appearance, the man’s lawyer, Abubakar Oguz, told reporters the man had a prior record of violence against Christians and accused the court of “exercising judicial independence” by acquitting some of his clients.

    Abbato’s arrest on March 20 was the first in the history of Nigeria’s Central African Republic (CAR) for which the criminal code has been changed from a colonial-era colonial rule to a law of the land based on Islamic law.

    The accused had been at the centre of the country’s brutal civil war between government forces and rebel groups after a 2011 coup failed.

    READ MORE: New allegations against Sudanese troops in the Central African Republic

    Earlier this month, the prosecution said some of the charges had been dropped when Abbato was freed from prison.

    The case involved three men, Abu Bakar Al-Bakr, 25, Abubakar Obad, 31 and Daryoua Guebu, 25, who are accused of kidnapping the 18-year-old victim in February 2014.

    The victim was initially held as part of the alleged investigation before he was taken by the groups and held for 10 months before being released in April.

    He was held in a secret room and a special police station in the district capital Yobe while Abbato and other armed men kept a guard to guard the suspect from the outside world, the prosecution said.

    It is alleged some of the men kept the victim as a “trafficking victim”. The alleged act took place while the boy was “disappeared” inside a sealed room, with the man forced to be the ringleader of the kidnapping.

    ‘Abuse: The case of Omar’

    The man had been on hunger strike at a private hospital in Mumbana state when he was arrested after attempting to escape, the prosecution said

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    A video posted by kaju pai (@kajupaij) on Nov 29, 2016 at 10:25pm PST

    KJ has been working in Pune, for four decades, on bringing kumquat and kuchchari – the local spice, also known as jicam, the sweet, and kuchchi – to the masses.

    On Friday, KJ launched a campaign with other traditionalists, urging the public to take kumquat and kuchchi to the city, to create awareness and spread love.

    It is a big challenge in this day and age, a part-time job which can cost as much as Rs 8,000-12,000 a month, but the challenge is worth it, says KJ.

    Kuju pai works on a mobile phone and has just launched “Chili with Passion” on Instagram, offering recipes for prawn parma. (Watch video below):

    (Image source: kaju pai)

    “At the end of the day, chili is for everyone, but there are certain foods which have a good connection with the community. They are not a ‘cheese and cheese’, but a real experience and they are worth indulging in.

    “When there are people who have no other place to go, it’s very important for them to go back to their villages, their towns and learn how to prepare something at home that’s actually better.”

    With Pune’s traditional food scene being challenged by the recent proliferation of restaurants in the city, KJ wants to take chile and its spice home. He does not consider kumquat and kuchchi as ‘taste’ – as they are not considered as a primary ingredient – but as part of the whole food chain.

    “If you look at our history, many of our traditional foods like kuchchi have been imported from all over India,” says KJ.

    “Some of our traditional foods are not good for us. They have gone down well with other regions like Telangana and Telangana-Bengaluru, but it is a part of our culture.

    “We are trying to reach people who have never eaten a food before, and we are hoping that by getting a hold of kumquat and kuchchi, it will bring more people and that’s why we launched this campaign.

    “We are so passionate about this.”

    Paedophile leaves letter in bid to clear name

    JOHANNESBURG – A 26-year-old man was jailed on Monday for having sex with an eight-year-old girl at his home.

    James Ewers, a pastor at the Baptist Bible Baptist Church in Makhulua town, pleaded guilty to two charges of indecently causing hurt and indecent assault on August 8 and has now been released from jail.

    After his release, Ewers told the media that he did not consider that his offences were sexual in nature as they took place on a daily basis.

    Ewers did not have any psychiatric treatment prior to his arrest.

    This was the first time that anyone was convicted of sexual offences against children in South Africa after a prosecution of an alleged child abuser.

    Jailing Ewers for two months in a care home, magistrate Habyabal Rizwala described the abuse he committed as “a case of complete depravity”.

    “Not only did you hurt and humiliate this boy, but you were so aware of your act that you had been prepared to use violence at the first sign of your partner showing weakness,” he said, adding that when the boy’s parents sought protection from the pastor following the attack, Ewers refused, saying that he was too good for that.

    The minister said there is already a law in place which prescribes prison sentences of up to seven years for sexual offenders if they commit multiple offenses.

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    It’s not just the poor. Even poor working class people are being hurt by soaring costs and job insecurity. According to the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), the cost of living in London fell by 4%. In Manchester, London lost 4.3%. In Liverpool 7.3%. The gap between rich and poor is closing again with the gap between pensioners and pensioners is closing even deeper. In the north west, there are now two thirds more pensioners than there were 15 years ago. The gap is now so extreme that it threatens to force communities and workplaces to reduce services – such as GP and physiotherapy – to meet their growing bills.

    This is the biggest problem our public services face today. If this is not treated seriously then the Tories will destroy our country. I don’t think we should let the Tories turn our NHS into a private and profit-driven machine. We should take matters into our own hands and form our own government. This would provide a fairer, fairer society and not some form of corporate welfare for the rich.

    The Tories need to put the public services back in public hands, and restore the public sector.

    We’re going to end the “no new money”, the “don’t ask, don’t tell” regime by which all government spending can’t possibly be accounted for by borrowing without any tax receipts. The Tories have tried to use this to reduce public spending. A few years ago, the Lib Dems had to say: “But you’re raising it by a billion! Why? Why did you get it out of the government budget with only a billion? You couldn’t find any people who were complaining about the “no more no less” or other such nonsense. Now you’re going to have to explain to every taxpayer why you made no money from borrowing while you were putting in the big money. The poor and working class can no longer get their jobs or even get free education because of the Tories’ “no more, no less” policies.” The only way to bring down this “no new money” lies in the creation of a new national fund to reduce the deficit without any further tax revenue. This is why I am a very strong supporter of the new “no new money” scheme. We must be sure, for example, that any new funding needs to go to services and public institutions rather than to private profit-making companies, so that our pensioners and the young can get decent jobs that give them decent pay.

    So I don’t want to see more of the Tory obsession with deficit reduction in government and public services. I don’t want the NHS to be privatised and run like a profit-making business. And I do want a government focused on public service jobs

    Photo capturing children first sight of relief summer mulvey on river bank in Cholmondeley

    Photographer: Simon Lipscomb

    This photo was taken along the river between Cholmondeley and Chapel Cranswick on the morning of 20 June. After arriving at the scene on foot, Simon recorded the scene at close range before recording the next scene by using his Nikon D200 film camera to focus and take a series of four exposures, which were taken on 20 June, 20 and 28 June. The photo was published here in February 2012. Photograph of children in the water showing relief summer mulvey on riverbank in Cholmondeley.

  121. Industry wide assistance” was the most common type.

    The government is working on plans for the most advanced “smart” cars that will have voice control capabilities.

    Film producer faces court on smuggling charges

    Kelley has been accused of transporting more than 600 lbs. of marijuana that was illegally imported from New Jersey into Pennsylvania. Investigators believe there are hundreds of pounds of marijuana smuggled into the area each day.

    She was arrested for possession of controlled substance with intent to deliver marijuana with intent to distribute in connection with drug-related charges. She was released from jail last week, after a preliminary hearing was held in Bucks County, where she is a resident of Westover Township.

    In November, police received information that Kelley had brought two handguns and over 5,000 rounds of ammunition into the country illegally.

    The two guns involved in the illegal shipment were handguns, according to court documents. Those items were loaded with.40 caliber ammunition, court papers show. Both guns were also loaded with powder, the documents say.

    Her father, Kevin Kelley, was arrested Wednesday morning on charges he had sold 2,000 rounds of ammunition to an undercover police officer and transported over 11,000 rounds into the country. The weapons were part of a shipment that was valued at over $12,000, the records show.

    Kevin Kelley, 49, is a registered agent in Bucks County, according to court records.

    The gun shipment was part of an ongoing investigation by the Bucks County Drug Enforcement Task Force, which is one of about 15 law enforcement agencies working together on the case.

    Kelley faces charges of possession of a firearm in a vehicle, use of a firearm without a license or permit and illegal possession of ammunition and ammunition magazines.

    Kelley also faces five more firearms and three ammunition magazines charges stemming from the same shipment investigation.

    He also faces a third-degree weapons crime charge of smuggling a firearms and a third-degree conspiracy charge of distribution of weapons and drug-laced substances.

    Kevin Kelley is currently free on $50,000 cash bail pending an initial court appearance Friday afternoon.

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    Проверенные вещества и надежные продавцы обеспечивают каждому целесообразное инвестирование средств и прекрасный результат. Не волнуйтесь о своих средствах: деньги не переходят сразу к торговцу, а оседают на специальном счете. И только после момента, как покупатель получит товар, деньги переводятся конкретно отправителю.
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  132. Необходимость перегрузиться и получить удовольствие иногда возникает у любого. Многие выбирают различные методы снять тревоги – покупают абонемент в спортзал, посещают психотерапевта, спешат на исповедь в церковь. Мы советуем отличный путь – вещества, приобретенные через рунет.
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    Обилие продукции позволяет выбрать вещество, нужное персонально вам именно сейчас. В любой момент менеджер поможет и предоставит консультацию, посоветует с выбором и предложит разные препараты. В случае наличия каких-либо разборок ситуация контролируется арбитражем и будет принято справедливое решение.

    Такие парни, как Олег разбираются в удовольствии и обращаются на портал, предпочитают незабываемый отдых и улучшение настроения. Препараты в магазине полезно сгруппированы по функциям – стимуляторы, психоделики, эйфоретики. Гарантируем надежную защиту сайта, ибо на него не зайдешь просто так, необходим специальный браузер ТОР. Возможно, что случаются перебои и интернет-шоп не доступен. Тогда нужно пользоваться Гидра-зеркало, а также позаботьтесь, чтобы нужное вещество постоянно было в наличии, покупайте его заблаговременно.

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    На нашем веб-сайте вы прочитаете ответы на наиболее задаваемые темы. Мы заботимся о комфорте посетителей, предусмотрена легкая регистрация и простая навигация.
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    Свадьба английского рыцаря стала причиной войны между двумя могущественными родами.
    На идеологию национал-социализма оказали влияние русские эмигранты.
    Член Зала хоккейной славы готов был играть где угодно, лишь бы не переходить в тренеры.
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  148. Знаете ли вы?
    Искусствоведы спорили, смирилась ли со скорой смертью неизлечимо больная женщина на картине русского художника, а она прожила ещё 37 лет.
    Советский разведчик-нелегал создал в Европе разведгруппу, успешно проработавшую всю войну.
    Иракский физрук получил мировую известность под псевдонимом «ангел смерти».
    Русские мечтали о шапке-невидимке, а древние греки — о кольце невидимости.
    Убийца с руками-клешнями избежал тюрьмы, но позже сам был убит.


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    Клирик-саксонец стать папой римским не захотел, а патриархом Севера не смог.
    Водитель ледового комбайна стал звездой единственного матча НХЛ, в котором принял участие.
    Копенгагенский собор пришлось выстроить заново после визита англичан в 1807 году.
    Жену Генриха VIII на суде защищал посол Священной Римской империи.


  177. Знаете ли вы?
    Среди клиентов древнеримского афериста был император Марк Аврелий.
    100-летний ветеран внёс уникальный вклад в борьбу со смертельной угрозой.
    Консервативные художественные критики обрушились на портрет девушки, называя её гермафродитом, дочерью Каина и проституткой.
    Советские военные операторы на базе ленд-лизовского кинопулемёта и ППШ создали киноавтомат.
    Китай реализует в Пакистане собственный План Маршалла.


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