5 Most Expensive Chocolates Of The World!

Most expensive

Almost everyone in the world loves to eat chocolates, and that’s the reason it’s been considered as the most used dessert! Whether it be of few cents or some dollars, everyone is keen to buy some or the other for them. But, some chocolates are way too expensive; too expensive that they are even beyond a common man’s reach! There are few brands in the world that makes the most expensive chocolates of the world for the few! So, here is a list of 5 most expensive chocolates of the world:

Most expensive chocolates of the world!

Most expensive1. Le Chocolat Box!

To acquire this amazing piece of art, you need to have $1.5 Million in your pocket! No, I am not joking! Simon Jewelers have been making these luxurious chocolates along with Lake Forest Confections. This chocolate is specially designed for women so as to lure them with diamonds and chocolates at the same time!


Most expensive2. Frrozen Haute Chocolate!

Made by New York City eatery Serendipity 3, the Frrozen Haute Chocolate is a unique blend of hot chocolate made of 28 best cocoas and edible gold. This chocolate is also recognized by the Guinness World Records as the most expensive desert! This chocolate cost around $25K and is served only on pre-orders!


Most expensive3. Golden Speckled Egg!

Just imagine a chocolate in form of an egg with different tastes from inside and outside! Delicious ya! This masterpiece is made by William Curley and bought by Cyrus Vandrevala at a price of $11,107 at an auction. Also, William Curley is a Guinness World Record Holder for the introduction of first non-jeweled chocolate egg to the world.


Most expensive4. Swarovski Studded Chocolates!

Designed by Lebanese chocolatier, Swarovski Studded Chocolate is the masterpiece of a tie up between Harrods and Patchi. The chocolate is placed on suede casing and is wrapped in hand woven Indian Silk. This $10K chocolate has even won the glorious title of Best Chocolates by Academy of Chocolates!


Most expensive5. Knipschildt Chocolatier!

Made by using some of the world’s finest ingredients, Knipschildt Chocolatier is made by hand. Although, this chocolate is made by hand; but each and every chocolate has the incredibly uniform taste! This beautiful treat is available for $2,600.


Further, Wispa Gold Wrapped Chocolate, Gold & Diamond Chocolates, Michel Cluizel box of Assorted treats, Delafee and The Aficionado`s collection are some of the tempting and most expensive chocolates of the world.

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