Wait for Lord Ram Temple Construction Ends! An Honest Interpretation!

  • Half-a-millennium of eagerly anticipated wait has finally come to an end with the Prime Minister performing the ground-breaking ceremony for the commencement of construction of Lord Ram temple in Ayodhya, in Faizabad district of Uttar Pradesh. Ever since the Honorable Supreme Court had unanimously passed judgment allowing construction of the temple, ardent devotees numbering in millions all around the universe were waiting for such a momentous and historical occasion.

PC: oyo Rooms

  • Prolonged wait culminated with absolute gaiety and religious fervor as the bricklaying ceremony was performed at the auspicious time of 12.45 PM believed to be the birth-time of Lord Ram himself. The entire event was organized in a precision like way right from strictly adhering to the social distancing protocols as well as wearing protective masks in deference to the prevailing situation. Though the invites extended was restricted to 175 guests, millions were able to rejoice by watching on the live telecast of the event.
  • Much anticipated speech of the Prime Minister not even subtly touched upon the political hues but squarely restricted describing the virtues of Maryada Purushottam hailing the tenets of Lord Ram’s ethos and culture that are so central to the very existence of the country’s unity, association, and social harmony. He also equated the mandir campaign drawing parallel to the freedom movement-struggling for independence – to the sacrifices made by scores of kar sevaks for construction of the temple.

PC: one India

  • The PM mentioning millions of devotees finding it hard to believe such a day would fructify witnessing the realization of their dreams would loudly echo since that has been the general sentiment for generations. We all have been hearing about the glorious Ram Rajya right from our growing up years extolling the divine virtues of Lord Ram and how he upheld cultural congruence in the society with equality. Fascinating stories taught back then are still afresh and continues to inspire us even now.
  • That Lord Ram symbolizes the centrality of Hindu Sanatana Dharma and philosophical discourses for centuries now is stating the obvious. The extremely strong binding force of the religion, faith, and beliefs in the society are indisputable and hence, the abode of Lord Ram in Ayodhya facilitates the Hindu philosophical followers to embrace a hitherto unavailable colossal identity and reverential place of worship henceforth. Such a holy place was being yearned by millions of followers/faithful and their joy would know no bounds from now on.

PC: Vedanet

  • It’s not out of place to remember and acknowledge the immense contributions of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad and the Sangh Parivar for leading the crusade tirelessly amid turbulent times. That BJP could emerge as a force to reckon with riding piggyback on the movement is the most defining off-shoot that ever happened in the last three decades of the country’s landscape is another story altogether.


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