Tottering Healthcare Infrastructure – Stigmatization and Valid Apprehensions

  • The entire nation and the world are witness to extremely heart-wrenching hardships experienced by the migrant labor community no sooner the sweeping lockdown measures were introduced way back in March 2020. Worryingly, migrating laborers even now continue to be greatly affected whilst undertaking journey back home only suggests humongous challenges the authorities are still trying to figure out to address satisfactorily.

PC: Prudhviraj Rupawat

  • Naysayers would unflinchingly state that the above mirrors monumental systemic failure in foreseeing the migrant labour issue. On the other hand, optimists and pro-establishment backers would vociferously vouch for the adequate measures initiated given the scale and size of the migrant labour community as also fiscal stimulus packages announced to mitigate mounting sufferings. Of course, jury is still out as to who has the last say on the matter.
  • Lockdown provided much needed time to prepare the healthcare infrastructure to strengthen vis-à-vis identifying / setting up Covid-19 hospitals, procuring / producing adequate PPEs and masks for the frontline health warriors to fight the menace. As the infected cases across the country shows ominous signs of peaking up, horrible and tell-tale stories of inadequate and unhygienic resources / practices in the designated hospitals are emerging much to the dismay of all concerned.

PC: The Indian Express

  • As you are all aware, infected individuals are already feeling stigmatized by the society at large and in the absence of comforting healthcare facilities, patients are bound to feel unwanted amidst life-threatening illness. Staying away from near and dear ones, made to stay in isolated hospital wards surrounded by healthcare warriors in full PPE gear will leave a scar on any brave-hearted. Treating patients akin to untouchables in inhospitable manner is most inhumane and would affect recovery process as well. Cases of suicides owing to the same are also on the rise.
  • Though healthcare warriors are discharging responsibilities untiringly over the past couple of months, raising number of infected persons into the earmarked treatment facilities would stretch their resolve to the limit. All the preparations undertaken so far would be put to litmus test in the coming weeks and as such, healthcare professionals will have to garner greater courage, renewed resolve and single-minded focus to steer the nation clear of the crises.

PC: Swachh India

  • Stories emerging from institutional quarantine facilities set up by the government agencies is not at all comforting either. Reports of inadequate arrangements vis-à-vis an unhealthy environment, unclean toilets, unhygienic surroundings and insect laden food are making rounds which should be addressed immediately by the authorities. Remember, people are forced to pay hefty amounts and hence deserve better treatment too. Appeal to authorities to act wisely now!

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.



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