The Safety of Women Paramilitary Forces is Paramount! the Authorities Should Ensure It!

  • With the fast-changing times driven by the present-day dynamic evolutions on every front, the participation of women too has undergone a seachange. Yes, it is most welcoming to see that gender equality is finally taking shape in hitherto considered male dominions like the armed forces and paramilitary forces, respectively. Remember, the still misogynistic and patriarchal Indian society has also witnessed palpable changes in the way level playing fields are provisioned for both genders. Women are no longer required to feel or essay second fiddle to their male counterparts since the opportunities available out there are up for grabs to both. The earlier glass ceiling has been broken and as such, women no longer are required to work in silos.

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  • However, the sense of entitlement and the perverse thought processes afflicting male chauvinism in a few of the irresponsible male species raises their ugly heads now and then to assert themselves. Therefore, incidents of male assertion in the form of sexual assaults are dime a dozen reported from across the country. Unfortunately, when such incidents occur in perceived secure working places like military and paramilitary organisations, question marks are bound to be raised about the safety aspects of women coworkers. The only way to address such despicable acts of bodily violations is to have in place a mechanism that ensures deterrence, followed by swift punitive actions as per the law of the land should serve the purpose.
  • Take for instance how the sexual assault on a women Border Security Force constable by an inspector in a Bengal border outpost should sound an alarm across paramilitary and military brass. Since more women are expected to join these forces, fool-proof safety measures backed by swift deterring actions for such heinous acts are imperative. Note that there are reports that around 50 women officers would lead army units in forward areas. India has seen positions open for women in the services at multiple levels. Army women officers have seized their rights in the Supreme Court and in firsts in 2021, women jawans were inducted, and women cadets appeared for NDA’s entrance test. The paramilitary has had large women battalions for years.

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  • Moreover, women have assumed the roles of inspector generals too. For the uninitiated, BSF alone employs almost 8,000 women and has a women’s daredevil motorcycling team as well. Nonetheless, the increase in women’s numbers and their rise cannot however be at the cost of basic safety. When uniform attacks uniform in however remote a unit, it is bound to rankle across the services – close-knit units are assumed to operate on trust and camaraderie. The only commendable point in this episode is that the constable reported the attack to the police. BSF suspended the inspector while it investigates. Regrettably, not all women may be in a position to report. The message must emanate from the top that women’s safety is non-negotiable.