Pay Twice as Much, Buy Half as Many!

  • During our lives, all of us would have encountered a certain dilemma whilst procuring comfortable material/equipment/tools/amenities to enhance our living standards incommensurate with perspective dotting our thinking. Except very rich or for that matter affluent individuals/families who wouldn’t mind splurging on anything they desire and wish to lay hands-on, the majority of the people who sustain livelihood not on an extravagant scale but in a contended manner do keep a tab on their purse strings.

PC: nohat

  • Expenses are always managed within the available resources earmarked for the purpose. Most often than not, many of the purchases fructify after careful deliberations weighing every bit of wisdom, understanding, and importantly, money quotient deciding the possible move ahead. Experience suggests that ordinary mortals like us, the middle class/lower middle class/even well-to-do families carefully eye the price tag, what discount on offer, and also any further room for bargaining to freeze on the buy.
  • Always on the lookout for striking better and reduced-price defines our purchasing experiments that also end in no purchasing at all. As it often happens, the one we are hooked onto and dearly wish to lay our hands on usually positions itself way above budgetary allocations. Remaining elusive too cannot be ruled out. Many of us would readily recollect how frequently we tend to settle for a lesser option rather than going the whole distance to procure what we desire or covet. Compromise essays such an impactful role in our lives is an understatement.

PC: skydream

  • As professionals expected to present themselves in a dignified manner, grooming assumes an extremely vital component where one is judged based on the sartorial quotient adorning on the persona is a norm rather than an exception. Herein lies the crux as designer fabric, accessories, and accompanying feel-good factor for owing what seemed unviable not so long ago extracts considerable revenue out of our budgetary allocation. Of course, knowledge about owning a quality product offsets whatever guilty feeling tugging at our heart for willingly exceeding the ceiling.
  • Guilt-ridden thought processes do not fade away quickly without leaving us emotionally drained out for supposedly extravagant indulgences and sometimes beyond our means. Impetuosity and adrenaline rush pushes us to conquer those warning signs originating from the deep recess of the conscious mind urging us to exercise caution, before committing to go ahead with an alluring buy conveniently disregarding the saner voice. My humble suggestion is to not worry much about the move for too long.

PC: sanchezlawfla

  • Stick to the time-tested maxim of not compromising on the quality aspect even if it means a reduced product/item/accessory at your disposal to choose. Rest assured, any quality product will serve much longer than a low or a dubious and inferior quality product, including clothing lines or designer ware. Hence, don’t fret over money spent on the quality as it will endure far more than other mediocre stuff. Remember, pay twice as much but buy half as many! This will serve us for a longer period, trust me!

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.


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