Due Applause to Front Warriors Apart from the Medical Fraternity too

  • On the bidding of the Prime Minister himself, the entire nation stood as one in solidarity duly acknowledging the contributions made by the healthcare professionals’ viz. doctors, nurses, para-medical workers, and other supporting staffs who were rightly termed as health warriors. Risking their own lives and with the single most dedication driving them to serve humankind during unprecedented crises staring, their contribution cannot be measured or quantified in a cold statistical manner. Deserves in-depth comprehension, nothing less.

PC: paytm

  • Tales of supreme sacrifices and service-oriented dedication from around the country by scores of health warriors abound for the past few months. When the entire countrymen were confined to the comforts of their home, foot soldiers tasked to rein in the pandemic were out in full force equipped with energy-sapping protective gear for hours on. Misery would compound because Northern India was in the grip of peak summer months rendering the task that much more arduous and cumbersome back then.
  • Despite rendering no less than yeomen services to the cause of the nation, there were several incidents of health warriors being attacked with impunity whilst carrying out their responsibilities selflessly. Many health warriors have succumbed to the vagaries of the virus while performing on the line of duties entrusted. The grateful nation should never forget nor ignore those mind-numbing contributions of the brave hearts under testing circumstances. There is another set of contributors who too deserve no less recognition for their services.

PC: deccanherald

  • Indeed, I am referring to another set of heroes who most often than not go incognito as their services are neither glorified nor heralded in idolizing terms. Yes, the drivers, domestic help, security personnel, and pourakarmikas (roughly translates into garbage cleaners) who strived equally toiling restlessly in ensuring the countrymen never experienced great difficulties while these brave men and women diligently went about serving in their best possible ways.
  • Extremely low salaries, far from any worthwhile comforts, battling poverty and most importantly, elusive recognition did not deter nor stood in-between their determined resolve to keep the society functioning as normally as the situation allowed. Remember, the society has for years inhumanly categorized these warriors as lowly without ever upholding the virtues of the dignity of labor. However, society’s blind eyes should now open up to see that humility is never preached but practiced in totality unshackling the perceived beliefs.

PC: dreamstime

  • Since times immemorial, the menace of inequality has existed shaking the very foundation of respectful coexistence. Hopefully, the pandemic crises would aid in ‘flattening/plateauing’ the human inequality curve as well in the days ahead. Least the society can do is to ensure we all will be more respectful and humility personified towards our real heroes irrespective of their work profile henceforth. Is it too much to ask? I do not think so!

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.


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