Devastating Grief Caused By the Pandemic Will Remain for Eternity!

  • Nobody in their right senses would have imagined what would have been the fallout of the pandemic-induced devastations on the global community when it all began in the early days of January 2020. When uncertainty and unknown element ruled the roost surrounding the origin, effects, possible measures, and coping mechanism to counter the virulent virus, all the universe was left with was nothing much but even more unanswerable questions in overcoming the faceless challenges. As the countries slowly and steadily started comprehending the vagaries of the virus and initiated ways and means to counter the menace, some semblance of coming to grips with the situation has started playing out. We are halfway into the year 2021.

PC: Physiotutors

  • Much relief was palpable when several vaccine candidates were granted emergency user approvals as a definite measure to keep the virus at bay. What was once construed as an improbable task to invent a vaccine within a year or two, as the usual gestation period to invent new vaccines is no less than five to ten years under normal circumstances, the news about inventions of several vaccine candidates was received with rapturous welcome. Justifiably so since none of the other ways and means, apart from the routine safety and health protocols, seemed to work against the virus’s spread. Such has been the devastating trail left behind by the rampaging virus that millions of homes are without their near and dear ones as also sole breadwinners. Sadly, the agony does not stop at this.
  • Yes, we the global community have learned to live with the virus since the once-in-a-century phenomenon shows no signs of abating in the foreseeable future. The scientific and medical fraternity has rendered yeomen services in ensuring most of us stay safe and healthy during these unprecedented times. The number of vaccines getting invented establishes we are moving ahead despite burdened by the personal tragedies afflicting in one or the other form. Make no mistake, humanity has indeed succeeded in finding potential cures and vaccines from the debilitating effects of the virus. But is there a way to obliterate the pain and grief of losing someone dear to us after undergoing one of the most extraordinarily sad situations?

PC: Roseli Andrion

  • Seeing someone struggle to get bed, oxygen, medicines, ventilators, and ambulance on time has left us shattered psychologically. The subconscious mind is bound to play out the disturbing visuals time and again those unpleasant moments whilst trying to ensure an infected person is provided relief. Failing miserably in finding the relief and subsequent loss of life would leave any sane individual helpless and miserable. Ask thousands of families who have undergone such pain and irreparable loss as to what it would take to get over the grief. The mental scarring courtesy of witnessing the death from close quarters and the guilty consciousness of not bidding a respectable farewell owing to the Covid protocols would leave anyone agonizing forever. Do we have a choice though? Unfortunately, no. We all have to learn to live with the grief along with the virus.

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.