7 Signs That You Have Learned To Love Yourself

Love yourself

The thing about self-love is that it is an ongoing and ever-evolving process. Its about developing a much strong sense of love and also compassion within yourself, and then extending that love to others. But, there are few sign post in the way to point you to be in the right direction. So here is a list of 7 signs that you have learned to love yourself:

Signs that shows Love yourself

Love yourself1. You don’t fear making the wrong decision because you are aware that there can always be a lesson in it.

Sometimes decisions are scary, as to choose one thing directly means to close off the other possibilities. However, making a choice can also set you free because everything happens for a reason; and moreover each decision carries the opportunity for a spiritual lesson.


2. The inner critic voice is softer and balanced out by the compassionate observer.

Have you ever heard that voice that says, ‘You are not good enough, attractive enough or smart enough?’ Yeah, even me too! But, now you understand that this voice isn’t bad as now you not only hear the critical voice; but also listen from the state of a compassionate observer, also known as the inner wisdom.


Love yourself3. You understand that happiness is actually not something to be found but instead cultivated from within.

Happiness is an inside job. Everyone of us should allow ourselves to feel it and also give it the room to grow. So, don’t chase after happiness, rather choose it every single day by cultivating it from within; and now you have been doing this!


4. You have stopped worrying so much about what people will go to think of you.

And at the same time, you no longer feel the need to judge other people also. You start realising that somebody else’s judgements are not a reflection of you; instead they are a reflection of those people only.


Love yourself5. Your body becomes more sensitive.

And at the same time, you can no longer tolerate the toxins as you once could! Your body now wants to move and also sweat every day, stay totally hydrated and even be nourished with delicious and healthy foods.


6. You have the courage to let go of situations and relationships that no longer serve you.

Sometimes you must fully cut ties in order to give yourself a chance to heal and move forward in life. You now understand that these situations and relationships have outgrown their purpose and that they no longer serve you.


Love yourself7. You no longer feel lonely because you like the person you are alone with.

You are never alone if you enjoy the person you are alone with i.e. you love spending quality time with yourself. And it indeed re-energizes you!



Also, you now allow yourself to have fun and also feel joy in the present moment. As you have stopped looking into the past and also stopped worrying about the future; rather you have started enjoying in the present situation.

Image Source: Image1, Image2, Image3, Image4, Featured


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