Heartfelt Salute to Nurses Who are Rendering Yeomen Services!

  • As you are all aware, 12th May is observed as International Nurses day in honor of Florence Nightingale whose birthday was notified in the year 1820. She is credited with establishing the modern nursing practices that have come to essay an extremely critical role-play in the healthcare industry. As the modern medicine field is witnessing perpetual evolution owing to unbelievable inventions coming to the aid of humanity, the corresponding importance in assisting the dynamic healthcare is being adroitly shouldered by the nursing and midwifery professionals as well. No wonder, the nursing ladies, as well as gentlemen assisting the medical doctors in discharging their responsibilities, have gained unquestionable prominence of late.

PC: Aishwarya Rai

  • People across the globe and in the country familiar with the nurses would have noticed something interesting which plays out so uniformly irrespective of geographical locations. Any guesses from the comprehending lot? It does not require breaking your head too much as the majority of the nurses in the white uniform hail from one particular region of India. A hint here would not be out of place to profess as the region stands at the southern-most tip of the country. Yes, it is nothing else but God’s own country Kerala which proudly shoulders the moniker of sending millions of nurses to not only the nook and corner of the country but across the universe as well.
  • Anyone visiting a hospital for health-related queries would never fail to come across or exchange views with a typical but friendly Malayalee, fondly referred to as Mallus, donning the ubiquitous white robe and engaged in discharging responsibilities. It would be no less than blasphemous to not find a single Mallu running around the hospital corridors in pursuit of discharging chores with aplomb. Despite being subjected to humorous leg-pulling, friendly banter, slandering matches, caricaturist ridiculing, racial profiling, sarcastic comments, and plain contempt, the single-minded devotion exhibited by the Kerala nurses whilst undertaking one of the most extremely strenuous and demanding professions speaks volumes about their commitment towards chosen fields.

PC: Shine Mohan

  • As the universe encounters the challenges wrought by the pandemic’s unabated devastating run for more than a year now, the monk-like discretion, reassuring presence, and disposition shown by the entire nursing community in helping the medical fraternity to attend to the distressed patients flocking to receive relief is praiseworthy deserving fulsome applause. Tirelessly working for all these months forgoing personal comforts and delaying self-gratification has become the norm for the community who are forming the fulcrum to combat virus resistance to keep humanity saner. Tales of sacrifices of numerous and unheralded nursing staffs’ rising above the call of the duty are umpteen making us feel indebted and proud in the same vein. On this momentous day, a big salute and cheer to all the Nurses!

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.