Social Media is in the Forefront Yet Again Reaching Out with Information in Real Time!

  • Trust me, like any other conventional media platforms available, by now ubiquitous social media and microblogging sites have established their welcome presence by gaining a tremendous following amongst the patrons. People who used to sneer at these digital platforms not so long back have taken to the medium like a duck takes to the water. Such is the reach, speed, and instant capabilities of the digital platforms in divulging or providing any information under the earth that it is proving to be indispensable in our daily lives. The power of the medium reached a crescendo during the pandemic as we all are aware of and it continues to scale unabated too.

PC: Ana Jorge

  • Millions and millions of forwards, messages, wishes of various hues, useful and not so useful information’s, humorous uptakes, sarcastic satires, innocuous matters concerning everyday lives, or for that matter whatever happenings occurring in the outside world does get communicated over the boundaryless digital communication channels in real-time. You name it, the social media platforms are delivering real-time information without much ado. Call it a mega boon or a blessing in disguise, the social media platforms are also turning out to be an unlikely aid in extending helpful hands to our fellow citizens during these times of distress.
  • Undeniably, the pandemic induced hardships, challenges, and destructions evoked indescribable pouring of goodwill among the digital community in reaching out to fellow citizens. Yes, there are exceptions in the form of fake forwards and messages triggering untoward incidents largely owing to the lack of sensitivity exhibited by antisocial elements, rumor mongers, irresponsible pranksters, and people inimical to the interests of the larger society. Thankfully, the bluff is called in most of the cases involving those ill-intentioned thought processes leading to no further escalation of the matter which otherwise could have resulted in unpleasant law and order situations.

PC:  Omjasvin M D

  • Make no mistake, the wonders of the technology-driven social media platforms including microblogging sites yet again came to the fore no sooner than the second covid wave started ravaging the nation. As one city after another started experiencing severe shortages of beds, drugs, oxygen cylinders, ICUs, ambulances, and ventilators leaving thousands of patients seeking relief in the lurch, any number of groups formed over the digital media sprang to extend all possible assistance in provisioning the life-saving measures through tapping into contacts, known and unknown. The speed with which those seeking and extending support for distress messages were unbelievable.
  • Scores of professionals including medical fraternity, businessmen, vendors, NGOs, volunteers, suppliers, and government agencies were digitally connected in real-time spuriously exchanging notes and availability of critical life-saving equipment and medicines. Many volunteers working out overtime to tap into contacts could largely succeed in aiding thousands of people in distress. The volume of information being passed on the digital platform was unbelievable as yours truly was also part of a few extremely active groups involved in extending all possible help. I am sure many lives would have been saved owing to the enterprising approach of these groups, courtesy of social media platforms. Long live the fraternity! Three cheers are well deserving, indeed!

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.