10 Effective Tips To Keep Dengue At Bay

Dengue Mosquitoes, Monsoon diseases , Dengue, Dengue prevention

Did you know mosquitoes which cause dengue can also lead to Zika? Yes, it’s true, Dengue has become a very common disease this monsoon season and this dangerous disease is caused by the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. You too can become a victim of this “Break bone fever” that too by a mosquito attack during the day time. Yes, most of us think mosquitoes bite during the evening or night, but dengue carrying mosquitoes are more active during the day. The common breeding grounds for such mosquitoes are man-made containers and still water. Try implementing few of the below hygiene and sanitation measures which can prove to be helpful to prevent this deadly disease.

10 Handy Tips That Can Keep Dengue At Bay

Dengue Mosquitoes, Monsoon diseases , Dengue, Dengue prevention

1. Learn To Cover Any Empty Water Container

It is important to always remember to cover any container which contains water when not in use. In case there is any empty pail and buckets always turn them over so that they do not collect excess water.

Dengue Mosquitoes, Monsoon diseases , Dengue, Dengue prevention

2. Don’t Have Stagnant Water Around

Always clean out any empty flower pots and also do not over water the potted plants. The idea that there is no stagnant water around as these mosquitos make them their breeding ground.

Dengue Mosquitoes, Monsoon diseases , Dengue, Dengue prevention

3. Use Mosquito Repellents

Always make it a point that all exposed areas have mosquito repellents, i.e. during the day time and even night.


Dengue Mosquitoes, Monsoon diseases , Dengue, Dengue prevention

4. Hole Free Windows Or Doors

Mosquitoes can make their way through small holes on the window and door screens. So keep a check and if you find any immediately block such areas.


Dengue Mosquitoes, Monsoon diseases , Dengue, Dengue prevention

5. Careful With Dengue Patients

In case you have anyone in your family who is down with dengue. Take special care of the person and keep mosquitoes away for them. Cause if mosquito targets the patient once again the immediate next target would be you.

Dengue Mosquitoes, Monsoon diseases , Dengue, Dengue prevention

6. Use Mosquito Net

This is an age-old trick and works quite well. Always try to sleep under a mosquito net during the day and even at night. If you have small children, then always make sure they sleep under the net during the day so that the chance of mosquito bite subsides.

Dengue Mosquitoes, Monsoon diseases , Dengue, Dengue prevention

7. Cooler Users Be Careful

Make it a regular habit to empty out and clean the water tray in your cooler, even when it’s not in use. Remember the stagnant water theory.


Dengue Mosquitoes, Monsoon diseases , Dengue, Dengue prevention

8. Cover Thrash Bins

This is a very important point to keep in mind. If you have open trash bins or dustbins immediately cover it.

Dengue Mosquitoes, Monsoon diseases , Dengue, Dengue prevention

9. Plant A Holy Tulsi

This is a natural method throw out mosquitoes from your house. Plant a tulsi near your window, this magical plant has some properties which do not allow mosquitoes to breed.


Dengue Mosquitoes, Monsoon diseases , Dengue, Dengue prevention

10. Use Camphor

Camphor works like a repellent and trust me it works wonders. If is a good trick to have light camphor in the room and close all the doors and windows for some 15-20 minutes. Tadaa you have a mosquito free environment in just 20 minutes.

Precaution is always better than cure. So try these effective tips to have a mosquito free environment.

Image Source: Image 1, Image 2, Image 3, Image 4, Image 5, Image 6, Image 7, Image 8, Image 9, Image 10, Featured Image.


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