Swadeshi Vs Videshi – Long Way to Traverse to Embrace the Former!

  • Whenever the nation is subjected to spiteful situations and unforeseen challenges under extremely undesirable circumstances hurting our pride in no small measures, trust our countrymen to swear allegiance to nationalism and indulge in chest thumping with vigor and verve. Especially as our truant neighbors to East and West weigh in creating attempts at disturbing peaceful existence now and then, patriotism overrides everything else uniting the nation irrespective of affiliations and beliefs.
  • Recent instances that one remembers which brought the entire nation together was during the highly adventurous and dare-devil exploits of Uri and Balakot strikes, respectively. Befitting replies that shattered the daylight out of our complacent and cowardly neighbor who never imagined our leadership initiating brave measures discounting the international repercussions following such actions. Decisive leadership has been the hallmark of the present dispensation which harbors no hesitancy whilst acting swiftly when need arises.

PC: Medium

  • Our Eastern neighbor on the other hand though continues to torment and needle us at any given opportunity much against our wishes. Global geopolitical compulsions might caution our leadership to weigh several notches of considerations keeping in mind the possible fallout before contemplating any precipitous action. Discomfiting instances witnessed in Doklam earlier and the one being played out presently in Ladakh and Sikkim are cases in stark contrast where caution precludes overriding ambitious streaks that might spell trouble.
  • Our resolve to stand ground in the face of mounting confrontational pressures over Ladakh speaks volumes about not backing out one bit but looking straight into the eyes and asking firmly to step back unconditionally. Such widely reported incursions and needling has spurred the nation into belligerent mood where calls for boycotting products originating from our Eastern neighbor gains traction cutting across diverse regions within the nation.

PC: New Indian Express

  • Since last week or so, WhatsApp University is agog with innumerable forwards urging fellow countrymen to uninstall and shun outside products by embracing locally produced ones. Listing similarities between the two in great detail as a ready reckoner is available too. How prudent or economically feasible such moves are left to the discretion of concerned individual’s. Questions remain unanswered as to whether the nation is in a position to replace ubiquitous and all-pervading presence of products so widely used. Answer is big no.

PC: Worldwide Network of MS Dynamics Professionals

  • Emphasizing on the inevitability of promoting Make in India to the fullest extent possible is one thing but attempting to replace products from our neighbor is easier said than done on the other extreme. Realistically speaking, for such a scenario to fructify, efforts underway currently vis-à-vis manufacturing, industrial, production etc. is not only insufficient but also inadequate to pose serious challenges to our neighbor’s hegemony. Need to still traverse a long way for sure!

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.



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