Sullying Birthday of PM is Uncalled for and Demeaning!

  • Right from our childhood days, school days, and college days, the countrymen are made aware of important days vis-à-vis children’s day, National Integration Day, Sadhbhavna Diwas, and some other days earmarked to highlight prominent political leader’s contribution to the nation’s cause. One significant commonality observed in the mentioned days is birth anniversaries of late Prime Ministers from the Grand Old Party of India acknowledging the yeoman services these luminaries rendered during their premiership.

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  • Agreed, the younger generation and the following one thereafter also should be made aware of the legacies left behind by such personalities for their indelible imprints in furthering the cause of the nation. Every country has historical figures who are not only revered and admired but also remembered with fondness, affection, and positioned as great examples worthy of emulation. Irrefutably, inspirational figures and personalities are the torchbearers of the country’s progression that demands wider dissemination.
  • Paying glowing tributes, reminiscing path-altering services, exhorting the people from all walks of life to render respects are par for the course practices that de-facto imbues national fervour and patriotism right from the very young age. Selfless sacrifices are undertaken while serving the interests of the nation is priceless that cannot be quantified in mere words. The least a country could payback in recognition of rich contributions is to honor personalities through remembrances earmarking occasions.

PC: Meera

  • As many of us are aware, children’s day is observed in memory of the late Prime Minister Jawahar Lal Nehru’s birth anniversary, National Integration Day is observed commemorating the birthday of Late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, and Sadhbhavna Diwas is observed honoring the birthday of Late Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi in recognition of their contributions and sacrifices in leading the country towards achieving unfettered progression. Neither of the earmarked occasions is questioned nor disparaged but followed reverentially by all concerned, including the opposition parties.
  • The incumbent Prime Minister’s birthday on 17th September this year was touted to be celebrated as Sewa Diwas in line with the exhortations he so passionately fond of exhibiting by proudly anointing himself as the Pradhan Sewak in deference to the Office represented and responsibilities entrusted. As is its won’t, the Grand Old Party representatives were quickly off the block to not only denigrate the gentleman but also going to the extent of sullying the day by terming it as National Unemployment Day.

PC: Aishwarya Samanta

  • Adopting such a belittling approach smacks of different yardsticks applied whilst honoring towering leaders. The ruling party could easily besmirch birth anniversaries of past Prime Ministers as surrender day (Indo-China war, 1962), emergency day (emergency imposed, 1975), and rioting day (anti-Sikh riots, 1984). Some of the blackest days in the history of our nation. As such, the Grand Old Party is advised to revisit its increasingly hollow approaches and adopt measures that would help it to regain lost grounds. Personal vilification and belittling the PM would serve no purpose.

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.


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