Stay Blessed, Have Fun! and how Many of Us Really Do Have Fun!

  • In our country, usually, the festive season like Dasara and Deepavali is not only considered as auspicious but also an occasion to refurbish/renovate/reducing/rid of unwanted accumulations piled up over the year(s). It could be business establishments or households, people entrusted with the responsibilities will make efforts at sprucing up the place in right earnest. Even for that matter, undertaking a fresh coat of painting and/or repair works are par for the course measures witnessed just before the festive season marks welcome presence.


  • Reminiscing growing up years will surely throw up many such fond memories that continue to this day for the majority of us either running our businesses or associated with other establishments, the same routine continues even now and has not changed at all. Maybe the scale would have altered but not the intent or understanding behind age-old traditions. Outwardly cleansing, refurbishment of newer comforts, additions/deletions of materials does provide us with a semblance of change. A moot point to ponder over here is what we do about mental cleansing to get rid of accumulated negativities?
  • Every philosopher, thinker, intellectual, learner, erudite, and achiever would never fail to highlight the universal fact that we do not live in bungalows, duplexes, flats, or humble dwellings but rather establish our living primarily in our minds as we perceive it. Yes, you read it right. Minds are the permanent residences that make or break us largely depending on how we nurture them. As saplings or for that matter newborns require careful nurturing to make them grow, the mind also demands no less than healthy fostering to sustain natural and healthy development.

PC: Vijay

  • Unlike residences and business establishments that are identified under the premise of man-made square feet/dimension/built-up area/carpet area etc., there are no constraints attached to the vast expanse of mind space with unlimited areas stretching infinitely. It is fascinating to note the metaphor defining the objectively identifiable physical infrastructure dotting our conscious mind with that of subjectively indescribable cerebral manifestations residing in the deeper recess of awareness that is extremely hard to explain.
  • No matter howsoever well-organized we may be vis-à-vis a typical physical dwelling having in its fold hall, rooms, balconies, garages, verandas, and other comforting amenities that we tend to boast of in our lives with utmost pride and pomp, will be rendered useless/irrelevant in the absence of steady and calm mind which is well sorted out. Life will be no good and means nothing if the mind fails to recognize/acknowledge innermost peace originating from within thereby successfully keeping the play of conflict at bay.

PC:  Deirdre Sullivan

  • Quite often, similar diligence in clearing/cleansing within our minds space is not forthcoming from us when we tend to preserve things extremely messy as regrets keep piling up in one corner, expectations stuffed in a closet, secrets are buried under the carpet, worries littered everywhere, comparisons split on the table, complexes leaking from an old bottle, and grudges stinking in a box. The list is endless. Our mental faculties also deserve timely and thorough purging akin to what we undertake during festivities.
  • We may outsource housekeeping or to any outside agency for physical clearance, but inner cleansing must be performed by ourselves by letting go of unrequited prejudices and by embracing a soothing but tranquil disposition based on harmonious equilibrium. Living life to the fullest by receiving every up and down with equanimity will ensure we indeed stay blessed and have fun too.

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.


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