Social Mindfulness Matters a Lot for Any Country to Grow!

  • Who would not want to experience a gentle, kind, pleasant, and enthusiastic disposition during interactions of any nature? Each one of us would wish to embrace such encounters wholeheartedly which is bound to encourage gentlemanly exchanges between the individuals. The opposite is true when uncouth and unpleasant disposition simply puts off intended conversations resulting in a point of no return many times. Cultivating civilized behavior is paramount to elicit harmonious exchanges between individuals, groups, corporates, or for that matter countries. Not for nothing, it is mentioned that diplomatic interactions are always undertaken in a cordial atmosphere where any hint of haughtiness or arrogance is bound to end in a deadlock.


  • Now, being around people who are pleasant, humble, and welcoming is always an enjoyable experience. However, how likely are we to encounter such people in our daily lives? Let us explore what reports on the matter reveals. A study conducted across a sample of 31 countries, including India, by a Dutch academic and his associates threw up few interesting findings. No surprises as Japanese top in showing small acts of kindness aptly described as social mindfulness. Not surprisingly though, Indians came third from the bottom followed by Turkey and Indonesia, respectively. Social mindfulness is a manifestation of a broader awareness of people around. Fostering such behavior largely depends on the prevalent ecosystem of society.
  • Unfortunately, our society is too vast, diverse, and a potpourri of culture, tradition, and belief systems varying from one geographical region to another. However, the core underlying principles of Indianness to accommodate every living being with respect, understanding, appreciation, and extending courtesy without getting swayed by social standings is second nature to us. The moot point to ponder over here is what are the parameters adopted by a western group in assessing our social mindfulness as against other countries? Is the narrative basically premised on age-old preconceived notions? Or is it influenced by unscientific false narratives which the western intelligentsia is so very fond of depicting? Visuals of cattle, snakes, snake charmers, poor, poverty, and sadhus readily come across our minds in a jiffy.

PC: Rajesh Bhatia

  • Of course, a vast body of research in social sciences has shown that culture and norms go a long way in not just influencing the political structure of nations but also economic performances. Make no mistake, seemingly insignificant social awareness feeds into the larger foundation of how societies are structured. Certain norms passed on from generations are the invisible bonds that keep the political and social structure in the right place. Social norms are nothing but a society’s unwritten but implicit rules about traits such as honesty and work ethic having a huge influence on economic development too. We, Indians are known to adapt seamlessly in a disciplined manner wherever our calling takes us along.
  • Innumerable immigrants flocking foreign shores are proof of that. Religion, faith, and beliefs essays a humongous role in our daily existence, and each of those revered ancient scriptures, epics, and legends form an irrefutable part of the core that espouses harmonious living irrespective of the identities associated with the persona. By simply following those invaluable discourses to develop niceties towards fellow humans should come naturally and hence, make us more amicable. An additional benefit of a better economic performance should compel us to pursue with even more intent and conviction. Let us start earnestly towards achieving the same.

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.