Protectionist Move Does Not Resonate Anymore, More So Job Reservations to Locals!

  • Doublespeak and false promises originating from our political leaders are the order of the day are never disputed nor questioned but always taken with a pinch of salt knowing fully well for all its precious worth, a tall claim lacking substance and popular backing. Political manifestos promising many an impossible measure is par for the course announcements that most often than not remains on paper never seeing the day of light.  Since caste conundrum never ceases to essay defining role in our political narrative, all promises/assurances are greatly centered on this factor.
  • The community-specific policy measures in the guise of uplifting the marginal have by now established forcing the parties to revolve around these societal obligations to frame newer strategies. Consolidating vote banks assume indisputable importance and hence, every other elevating policy moves are strategically aimed to strengthen the same.  Of course, no one would cry foul if such contemplated changes are well within the boundaries of the Constitution.  The problem arises when the overzealous political mandarins’ attempts at subverting the mandated provisions in their enthusiasm to consolidate the imagined gains that lack legal sanction.

Pc: SSC Online

  • There is any number of occasions when the Honourable Supreme Court has stepped in to quash reservations in government jobs and educational institutions upon breaching the mandated percentages. Learning lessons from scathing comments/rulings or acceding to constitutionally mandated validity as highlighted by the highest court of the land from time to time are anathema to political parties always on the lookout to subvert policies to impress upon the vote banks.  Playing out by espousing popularism as against pragmatism is the norm, we know that.
  • Whipping up sentiments and emotions by introducing laws to reserve employment opportunities to locals is the newest fad seen around in a few of the states which is not only a regressive move but also alienates prospective investors from pumping in the much sought-after moolah. The latest to join the bandwagon is the Haryana government’s Bill reserving 75% of a factory and other jobs for locals. One of the requirements of the Bill is that new jobs with a salary below Rs. 50,000 will be reserved for locals defeating the very purpose of inviting investors with no strings attached.

Pc: 123RF

  • India’s average annual per capita income is Rs. 1.34 lakh. But Haryana wants to reserve jobs with annual pay of up to Rs. 6 lakh which incidentally includes blue-collar as well as several white-collar workers. Such a retrograde step will only allow the industry to flee the state apart from the legal loopholes to keep people off the rolls.  Indeed, a lose-lose situation for all stakeholders involved.  Also, goes against the fervent plea of the PM persuading the global industry that India presents an ideal investment opportunity.  For the good of the state and larger national interest, the Haryana government should reverse this retrograde Bill forthwith.  Lessons for other States too.

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.


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