No Laxity Please! Lockdown Time Should be Utilized Wisely!

  • Every medical expert worth his/her salt, epidemiologists, pulmonologists, authorities in the administration are unanimous that lockdowns are not the solution at all to fight the raging menace of novel coronavirus spreading its dreaded tentacles. Time and again it is asserted that the lockdowns are aimed at buying precious time to strengthen the healthcare infrastructure, resources, and ancillary implementation measures to tackle the scourge.  Successive lockdowns are adversarial to the health of the economy and are universally acknowledged requiring no further assertion.

PC: news18

  • In this backdrop, the State Government duly commended for the way aftermath of the lockdown situation was handled admirably where the virus was not only kept at bay but the infected persons were treated by following the hugely effective model of 3Ts – trace, test, and treat, faltered badly. No sooner the Unlock measures were introduced in the first week of May, it appears the guard was let down to such an extent that in few weeks hence, the infection rates spiked up so alarmingly resulting in the latest recourse to the measure yet again.  Lockdown severely undermines the economy.
  • To its credit, the Government diligently ensured the best under the circumstances but found itself overwhelmed the moment infection rates consistently started touching thousand and above in the State capital alone of late. As the mounting complaints – about lack of beds, ambulances, inadequate arrangements, shortage of healthcare professionals, fatigue amongst overburdened corona warriors, glaring deficits in coordination efforts between different agencies tasked to provision succor – started building pressure on the Government.

PC: telemedicine

  • The situation has reached such a pause now that the Government had to accede to the recommendations of the experts to implement unwanted lockdown starting tomorrow. Strongly feel rather than a complete lockdown, weekend closure followed by restricted working hours during the week should have been explored, to begin with.  Now that the lockdown has been announced, expectantly the authorities will leave no stone unturned in learning from the earlier mistakes of taking the foot off the pedal whilst dealing with the menace.
  • Economic suffocation with these closures is too huge to ignore on the dominantly unorganized sector where everyday earnings ensure millions and millions of families’ livelihoods are sustained. Mind you, white-collar workers might survive for a few months but the same cannot be practically expected of blue-collar workers by any stretch of the imagination.  Despite free ration made available till November.  People’s health is of paramount importance and equally important is to ensure the economic health of the country is not jeopardized substantially and continually.  Finding the right balance assumes significance.

PC: ogroup

  • Ultimately, the Government’s endeavor should be ably supported by the citizens as well by following strict adherence to safety and health guidelines. Only then the virus could be fought effectively.  Optimistically, the Government authorities will step up on expected lines to utilize the time available at its disposal to spruce up healthcare infrastructure on a war-footing without resorting to knee-jerk reactions.  People, please follow instructions for each one of our sake!  Till then, stay healthy and stay positive!


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