If It Doesn’t Challenge You, It Won’t Change You!

  • Whoever we might be – students, professionals, businessmen, artists, explorers, leaders, preachers, godmen, husbands, wives, children, etc. – you name it, each one of us requires something concrete and defining goals, objectives, and purpose to propel us to stretch ourselves. Not for nothing the saying when you expand limits, the limits expand is spoken to with such authoritative conviction denoting the importance of inventing and reinventing in our quest to scale never seen before heights, whatever might be the fields.

PC: Evan

  • Mind-blowing inventions, innovations, developments, and perpetual evolutions unfolding cannot fructify without someone solidifying those ideas first appearing from nowhere to gradually gaining traction through perseverance despite mounting hurdles encountered. All these revolutionary inventions, right from times immemorial, are products of humankind’s resilience that gives a definite shape to ideas eventually transforming into welcome additions serving mankind with distinction for ages to come.
  • Indisputably, uncluttered aspirations are the catalysts that push every ambitious person(s) to explore untested waters or uncertain territories seemingly appearing unreachable or unachievable. Through sheer dent of determination and unflinching belief, many seemingly impregnable fortresses have been breached with consummate ease as well as concerted efforts with the sole purpose of conquering the unconquerable. What is it that pushes an individual(s) to sail through irrespective of complicated roadblocks?

PC: Darshana Singh

  • It is fascinating to observe how mother nature bestows a level playing field to each one of her children no sooner than we enter this world. Apart from surroundings and circumstances which would be different and unique for every one of us, most of the other usual parameters to realize potentials would remain constant ensuring none is advantaged or disadvantaged in the overall scheme of things. What emerges eventually depends entirely on the person’s thought processes guiding him/her to realize the stated objectives.
  • As we are aware, what each one of us chooses to become entirely depends on the individual(s) after an initial period of growing up, followed by embracing paths largely guided by the ideologies adopted, pursued, and ultimately, achieved. The beauty and intriguing nature of humankind are so uniquely diversified that it is well nigh impossible to find any two similar individuals to the last word to club them along. As each DNA is unique, so is the thinking that originates within the deep recess of our minds. This being the scenario, is there any ready recipe to succeed?

PC: The Best Wishes

  • None whatsoever. Entirely boils down to mental toughness and fortitude to not only taking on challenges head-on but also reveling in subduing those uncharacteristically defiant blockades with a never-say-die approach. What is life after all if there are no challenges to stretch by not minding one bit to fight against odds without ever letting go of our resoluteness? History is replete with umpteen number of instances that have introduced changes solely on the back of conquering challenges and adversities with great aplomb. Let’s not let go of any opportunity to embrace challenges! Bring it on!

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.


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