How to Create Hope and Trust? By Making and Keeping Commitment!

  • Many of us would be left wondering why certain people tend to be carrying out a positive and vibrant disposition as compared to others who might appear to be overburdened with the vagaries of life having surrounded themselves with negatives and unyielding thoughts processes. Reams and reams have been consumed in establishing the virtues of encouraging optimistic outlooks towards life rather than allowing pessimistic viewpoints to seep into our everyday system. How often have we not wondered why some are always blessed with spring in their steps and inexplicable aura even while facing challenging situations?

PC: Kostuch Media Ltd

  • In the same vein, several of us also tend to look vulnerable and despondent falling under the burden of petty matters which might otherwise not deserve even a cursory consideration after all. t is extremely easy to categorize and say people are inherently different as each one of us has a threshold limit to not only observe pressure emanating from several directions but also go about uniquely countering the same. Each to his/her own, you see. As the saying goes, every human being is blessed with distinct characteristic traits, and as such, handling situations whether good or bad also depends on the individual internal makeup.
  • It is universally acknowledged that life experiences themselves are an invaluable teaching platform inculcating hitherto unknown elements into our eventual growing up. It could be intellectual, physical, spiritual, or any other form, you name it. The beauty of the human mind is that it unfailingly observes and records everything subconsciously. Good, bad, or ugly makes no difference. Is there a simple methodology to sculpt ourselves in a manner that shapes our being in the most welcoming way possible? Why not is the obvious answer! We are pretty much brought up on a diet to always say, observe, utter, and follow positive thoughts alone.

PC: Mario Aiello

  • As the saying goes, the power of spoken words indeed carries tremendous weight and traction in our day-to-day living and subsequent actions thereof. Now to ensure sustain great hopes of leading lives the way we envisage, there is an absolute ingredient we cannot leg to off even a small bit. Any guesses? It is nothing but making an honest and earnest commitment without allowing the stated intention to peter out for whatever reasons. Not for nothing, it is mentioned that the human mind is like an ocean whose depths cannot be measured by adopting simple mechanisms. Keeping the wandering mind from wavering around demands focused commitment which invariably leads to commitment in achieving any stated objectives.
  • Now, the beauty of how things pan out in the mysterious world of the universe has intrigued humans since times immemorial. It is no less than fascinating to comprehend what happens when we keep up a commitment despite facing adversarial situations and unmitigated challenges. An extremely important outcome is established i.e., creating trust. Once trust is generated, there is no stopping from gaining widespread acceptance within the community and society at large. We all know how a trustworthy personality commands respect as well as unhindered following amongst scores of followers. Being truthful, making, and keeping up commitment will ensure we do go places.

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.