Gender Inequality Persists Despite Efforts to Redress Disparity!

  • Contrary to popular beliefs and assertions in the last few decades, gender disparity is one of the foremost societal evils that continue to dodge widespread condemnation. The outmoded practice thrives despite rulings to the contrary, and never fails to be in the limelight without paving way for transformational changes so dearly anticipated. Is it because of the long-held credence since ages that the male progenies are assets deserving sustenance and females are liabilities meant to shore up the other side?

PC: shethe people

  • Despite concerted efforts, endeavors, education, dissemination of information, clarion calls, umpteen examples, and propagation, there appear to be minuscule improvements visible on the ground depicting impartiality in the treatment meted out to female gender in comparison to male counterparts. Mere talks bordering on lip-service rather than substantial backing from the people who matter ushering in the much-vaunted change continues. Remember, the issue has not made much headway as we debate.
  • None will object to the fact that the society is nothing but a microcosm of flourishing humanity controlling the reins of introducing such measures bearing no less than an epochal revolution altering the very belief system of harmonious living. Adopting different yardsticks whilst treating two genders has been in vogue since times immemorial, desperately crying for change that defies logic and saner voice in the present day. Sporadic efforts to redress here and there hasn’t borne the desired result.

PC: open naukri

  • Thus, a disparity exists right from allocating resources to imparting education to the inheritance of property even after all these years. Despite the Supreme Court’s progressive ruling in favor of the Hindu Succession Act (HSA) 2005 (amendment) and the intent behind rewriting the statutory discrimination against female heirs, the level playing field is still not visible. The 2005 amendment had unambiguously stipulated that the daughter too would enjoy the property right in the same manner as a son.
  • However, trust our country’s patriarchal brains to exploit any legal clauses or practices that also get indistinct, including but not restricted to different religious personal laws, archaic tenancy laws, or diligently observing obsolete customs that invariably places women at a disadvantageous position. As can be seen, a substantial respite from inequality is far from getting addressed desirously. Gender injustice simply cannot be brushed aside but calls for sustained efforts at every level to correct, if not completely eradicate, is on the rise.

PC: ipleaders

  • Though most States do follow amended HSA, succession list in the Concurrent List and transfer of agricultural land in the State List leaves enough room for predominantly patriarchal biases to sustain. In this backdrop, introducing the Uniform Civil Code makes not only logical sense but ensures gender injustice is finally addressed in letter and spirit. Hopefully, the increasingly strengthening incumbent government at the Centre would do the long-awaited needful. Time is ripe to walk the talk.


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