10 Interesting Drinking Games For Drinkers

Drinking Games, Drinking, Drinkers, Alcohol

This article is all about drinking and drinkers. People these days have started drink to be a part of their social circles too. Do you think drinkers really need a reason to drink? Certainly not. All that the drinkers really need and look for is good company, to share a drink over some really fun conversations. But here is something that will make these booze parties even more fun and happening. Guess what! How about playing some drinking games? Yes, you can actually opt for some really interesting drinking games which can adds an extra layer of competition.

Surprisingly these drinking games have been around for more than thousands of years. The problem is that people aren’t too familiar with all of them. So here I bring you some really interesting and historical drinking games.

Drinkers Here You Go Bottoms Up With These 10 Really Interesting Drinking Games

Drinking Games, Drinking, Drinkers, Alcohol

1. Jenga

This is basically an adult version of the children’s classic game Jenga of course. But it needs a bit of preparation beforehand. You need to start off by writing rules and challenges on the Jenga pieces and build a Jenga tower. So when a piece is pulled, one needs to read the rule on the piece which has been pulled. The person who pulls the piece needs to read and complete the challenge /rule written on the piece.

Drinking Games, Drinking, Drinkers, Alcohol

2. Kings

This is one of the most popular social drinking games which is played around the world. The player’s actions and drinks are directly associated with the face-down card which they randomly select in each of their turn.


Drinking Games, Drinking, Drinkers, Alcohol

3. The Wager Cup

The wager cup is considered as a standout amongst the most prevalent drinking diversion in England. It is used in social activities, where the participants have to drink all of the wine in the skirt cup first without spilling any from the pail. If the participant succeeds, then they have to drink the pail wine, as well. This is a historical game which was played centuries ago.

Drinking Games, Drinking, Drinkers, Alcohol

4. Buffalo

This is a fairly simplistic game. It requires the club members to drink all alcoholic beverages. So this particular games makes it necessary to have to drink all the alcoholic beverages. If the participant violates this rule, other members shout out loud “buffalo”. Post that the offender has to chug their alcoholic beverage of choice. This game works great in bars, or a huge house party where you can’t really sit and talk to your group of friends.

Drinking Games, Drinking, Drinkers, Alcohol

5. Kottabos

Kottabos involves drinking lots and lots of wines. It is again an historical game which was quite popular during the 5th century BC. This game involved the players drinking a considerable measure of wine and tossing the remains at different targets.

Drinking Games, Drinking, Drinkers, Alcohol

6. Flip Cup

This is a classic drinking game, which involves two-team. These two teams actually race to successfully drink and flip their solo cups (upside down) cups in a one-by-one fashion. The team who finishes the flipping fastest wins.


Drinking Games, Drinking, Drinkers, Alcohol

7. Paranoia

If you are looking at knowing some of your friend’s real secrets and opinion, then this is a great game. Just remember to play it a bit later in the night, this is because then people would have already had a bit to drink. Funny condition right, but it’s just a fun game to play. So in this game everyone needs to sit in a circle, and then one person whispers a “who” question (like: who in the room farts a lot) to the person in their right. The next person has to answer who he thinks does, not in whispers but it has to be loud. The catch in this game is that nobody in the circle knows what the original question was, and makes others curious post they hear the answer. If the person whose name was called pit wants to find out the real question, then he/she needs to take a drink.

Drinking Games, Drinking, Drinkers, Alcohol

8. Beer Pong

Beer pong, is also popularly known as Beirut. It is a drinking game in which players need to throw a ping pong ball across a table with the intent of landing the ping pong ball in a cup of beer, which is placed on the other end. This game typically consists two teams each having two or more players per side with 6 or 10 cups set up in a triangle formation on each side. Both the teams take turns to attempt to shoot ping pong balls into the opponent’s cups. So if the ball lands in a cup, the contents of that cup is consumed by the other team and the same cup is removed from the table. The first team which manages to eliminate all the opponent’s cups is the real winner.

Drinking Games, Drinking, Drinkers, Alcohol

9. Pence

Pence is a simple game which needs really very little actual skill. When the booze party begins at the night, one coin needs to be dropped into a glass of beer. The person who gets this particular glass needs to finish the glass. On finishing the beer, the person asks the person who dropped the coin which year is shown on the coin. If they give an incorrect answer, then they need to must finish their drink themselves. Post that, the same coin finds a new beer and this way the cycle continues.

Drinking Games, Drinking, Drinkers, Alcohol

10. Alcohockey

This game is quite popular on Canada, we can say they really know how to find new and impressive ways to get intoxicated. This game requires a customized air hockey table which has slots for cups. The game is very similar to any other game of air hockey, the only difference is when the puck falls into a cup, the player needs to down the contents of the cup.

So I am sure now you are all set to throw a booze party this weekend. I am sure everybody loves good drinking game. While you might have liked some of these games as they may have sounded like fun. But some would have definitely sounded like the worst idea in the world. But trust me whatever your drinking game preference may be, you might still raise a glass in the air and agree to let the games begin. Wont you?

Image Source: Image1, Image 2, Image 3, Image 4, Image 5, Image 6, Image 7, Image 8, Image 9, Image 10, Featured Image.



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