• We, as Indians, are extremely proud of our rich heritage, diverse traditions, unparalleled culture, and unique legacy bestowed upon us from time immemorial. Without getting into dissecting too much into those aspects, suffice it to say that Indian society over the millennia has been quite open to accepting liberal thought processes without ever appearing to be pedagogic. However, patriarchal, misogynistic, and anachronistic practices exist. Especially women have been subjected to unmitigated challenges in countering the male chauvinism so widely prevalent even now. Contrarily, Indian society has made unimaginable progress empowering women cannot be disputed either. Likewise, puritanical viewpoints do exist despite all the progress around them.

Hypocrisy Limits Your Ability to Lead - Dave Anderson

PC: Dave Andreson

  • One of the most visible aspects of our rich heritage is the considerably liberal discussions centered around procreation by according to women form no less than divinity itself. Women are deified here elevating to the status of goddesses thereby allowing humanity to flourish unencumbered. Every belief system practiced in India treats women reverentially driven by centuries-old traditions depicting powerful characters having enlivened this glorious land from time to time enjoying primacy. What has not altered in the present-day technology-driven world is the prudish and hypocritical behaviour adopted toward procreation. Mind you, for some reason, we are the most populous country in the world having beaten our eastern neighbour China this year.

23 Ways to Spot a Hypocrite — Frank Sonnenberg Online

PC: Frank Sonnenberg Online

  • The moral policing crops up its ugly head frequently advising us with dos and don’ts on every aspect including something as mundane as birth control measures. Our conditioning is such that even a witty advertisement about condoms gets entangled in hypocrisy-ridden backlash. Wrap it before you tap it; For those all-nighters; Is Raat Ki Subah Nahin; Always have protection; The heart wants, the flesh takes: this is a small sample of how condoms are advertised across the world. Often the advertisements are squarely in the middle of the most popular public spaces. They draw responses ranging from smiles and sniggers to frowns. A few passersby turn a blind eye. The witty goading by a condom sponsor at an IIT festival last week was on point.

How To Stand Against A Hypocrite? — Raising GENERATION Zion


It said, we found the JEE spot: Mood-I, here we come. Also, always up for a good screw. It isn’t surprising that a few students found these messages to be too provocative. Whether condom ads should be shown at primetime, whether they should be flashing away in public transport, exactly how suggestive is too suggestive, such conversations are common across developed and developing countries. Racy materials are kind of a rite of passage to adulthood. They have been around since ancient times as mentioned above. But raising hues and cries for a witty condom ad is uncalled for. Remember, we are from the land of Kamasutra and Vatsayana. Thus, spicy punsters do not feel discouraged. The rest of us are enjoying witticism. Keep at it!