Decrease in Testing Numbers is Counterproductive and Unscientific Measure!

  • The State Government of Karnataka is in the firing line for almost a month now on account of far from adequate handling of the spiraling pandemic situation exacerbated by the raging second covid wave is stating the obvious. The number of flip-flops emanating from the power corridors amply demonstrates there is a definite lack of coherence and decisive leadership to spell well-rounded, pragmatic, and scientific evidence-based measures to tackle the mounting challenges. Unfortunately, bungling at every step has become synonymous with the way the Government is presenting lop-sided strategies to counter the virus menace.
  • Few senior ministers entrusted with diverse responsibilities to handle the emergent situation vis-à-vis dangerous spike in the confirmed infection cases has failed to present uniform protocols meant to send across reassuring messages to the people devastated by the unabated destructions. One-upmanship and unbridled yearning to gain prominence rather than single-minded devotion to ensuring provisioning timely succor to the aggrieved and grieving families owing to the loss of precious lives continue to mar the government’s half-hearted efforts. Almost a month into an amalgamation of Janata Curfew and half-lockdown has failed to yield desired results as can be seen.

PC: Shruti Yatam

  • Of course, the sheer volume of the infected patients requiring medical attention is bound to overwhelm the best of the healthcare infrastructures and Karnataka is no different from other parts of the country to suffer on this front. Bengaluru touted as one of the best healthcare equipped city in the country is crumbling under the deluge of patients seeking beds, oxygen, ICUs, and ventilators is a telling story reflecting poorly on our healthcare inadequacy to face the challenges of this magnitude. Agreed, the infrastructure to support the humongous density of population cannot be constructed or erected overnight.
  • But managing the grave situation with sound scientific-based smart strategies calls for insight, ideation, vision, comprehension, and foresight to emerge with a set of workable solutions that should be backed by utilizing resources at command. Patients and distraught families desperately seeking simple medical attention are made to run from place to place is a pitiable sight making us bleed through the overpowering feeling of exasperation and helplessness. Less said the better about the bungling vaccination drive which has only added to the traumatic experiences of people seeking relief from the rampaging virus. On top of all this comes the inexplicable measure of authorities drastically reducing the covid testing numbers.

PC: Lisa Maragakis

  • Test, trace, and treat used to be the go-to mantra in early detection of the infection to not only provide timely medical attention but also ensure the infected person is stopped from spreading further. Primary and secondary contacts were traced and subjected to tests to pre-empt the infection from spreading far and wide. Rather than follow the time-tested methodology, the state authorities have hit upon an idiotic idea of reducing the testing by restricting the measure to only symptomatic patients leaving behind asymptomatic primary and secondary contacts in the lurch. Silent super spreaders are everywhere.
  • The positivity rates of the state, and especially Bengaluru, are alarming standing above 30% at present. The ideal positivity rate should be no more than 5%. No wonder, the medical and scientific experts are livid at the state government for undertaking irrational and counterproductive measure that is bound to land the entire state in further limbo. Noticing a lesser number of infection rates over the last week or so should not be considered at face value rising false hopes of declining infection rates. The State authorities are earnestly requested to ramp up/restore the testing numbers to the previous scale immediately. Failing this, the continuation of suffering will only worsen in the coming days.

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.