Back to Business as Usual. Exercise Caution! Slip-up Will be Detrimental!

  • After nearly 69 days of lockdown in Karnataka, the State will be opening all its stalled economic activities yet again much to the relief of all stakeholders, including government authorities, after a long lull. It is time we make concerted efforts at not only regrouping ourselves from the battering received by the successive Covid waves over the last year-and-a-half but also hope to emerge wiser and smarter in handling our day-to-day affairs from now on. Recollect how the entire country assumed the Covid is behind us resulting in irresponsible complacency which paved way for the destructive second Covid wave even further damaging our lives and livelihood.

PC: Ed Conway

  • Now that there is a definite ebb in the confirmed infection cases, exercising caution and precaution is of utmost importance. Wounds inflicted by the debilitating effects of the virus are still fresh and the country’s citizens would be fervently praying that we should be resuming our normal routines to stay afloat and unencumbered. We all should be familiar with the definition of insanity. It is nothing but committing the same mistakes again and again but expecting different results. Does not gel with the pandemic safety and health guidelines which unambiguously suggests there should be no let-up in following the time-tested standard operating procedures even if vaccinated.
  • Thus, SMS – sanitization, mask, and social distancing – will continue to be the guiding light till the last man standing receives the vaccination shot to overcome the severity of the dreaded infection. Yes, the emphasis on vaccination drive cannot be slackened anymore nor can the country afford to be found wanting in leaving no stone unturned to ensure supply-side concerns are addressed in the next couple of months. Even before the second Covid wave ebbed, the medical and scientific community were all abuzz with the impending third wave expected to scorch the country in the next few months. God forbiddingly if it comes true, we are in for big trouble indeed.

PC: DIPR Kargil

  • Most worryingly, the shortage of vaccines at many places hardly evokes any confidence though the Karnataka government keeps issuing statements about the availability of adequate supply to inoculate the eligible beneficiaries. Here, the citizens should also contribute and strengthen the efforts of the authorities by displaying responsibilities befitting a civilized society. People should be extremely wary about the destructive abilities of the virus which is still lurking amongst us. Conveniently ignoring precautions no sooner than the unlocking guidelines kick-in will be a sure recipe for disaster which none of us can afford to undergo yet again.
  • In addition to the SMS, diligently avoiding visiting crowded areas like religious places, impromptu gatherings, casual social interactions, unnecessary traveling owing to reckless urgings, and forceful visits on the premise of outings should be completely shunned for some more months. Discretion in observing these measures would help sail us through less affected. It is better to be safe, secure, and sure rather than sorry for want of sensible conduct. For what is at stake is not only our lives but also our near and dear ones and the society at large. Stay safe, stay healthy will continue to be the mantra. Let us all embrace it willingly.

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.