Global Warming Keeps Stifling Countries with Regularity!

  • The ever concerned green space activists and environmentalists from around the world are at the forefront warning the gigantic energy-guzzlers and irresponsible consumers about the damaging ramifications on the harmonious ecosystem. As is its won’t, the developed countries who are the primary contributors to the sickening mess we the global community finds in the present situation are quite adept at passing on the buck to developing and poor countries. For quite some time now, berating and preaching about the immeasurable disaster on the environment from every veritable international platform is in vogue overwhelmingly adopted as a medium by the developed and industrialized nations.

PC: RajRas

  • It is one thing to preach by donning the role of a self-anointed guardian of the universe sitting atop a moral pedestal and an entirely challenging experience to first follow by setting an emulation-worthy example. Remember, optics on what is being actioned on the ground carries more conviction than rendering a mere lip servicing gibberish full of hollow promises and assurances. Gone are the times when developed countries could influence others through hyperbole and lacking concrete substance on the ground. And hence, all the talks of sustaining friendly environmental measures to ensure our future generation falls flat as the lesser endowed countries do not hesitate anymore to call the bluff.
  • The resultant outcome is continued instances of extremely severe cyclonic storms inundating several countries, including India, causing widespread disruptions leaving behind trails of destructions along the way. Take for example the Arabian Sea on the west coast which is bombarded with the third consecutive cyclone in as many years. Experts are attributing these frequent cyclones to climate change and warmer seas owing to global warming fuelling an intensification of cyclone systems. The latest to strike the Indian west coast after rapidly intensifying into an extremely severe cyclonic storm is Tauktae barrelling Kerala, Karnataka, Goa, Maharashtra, and making landfall in coastal Gujarat gusting to 190kmph winds.

PC: FP Staff

  • At last count, hundreds of houses were damaged in Karnataka, power supply was severely hit in Goa with many areas experiencing power outages of more than 48 hours. The cyclone also forced Mumbai airport to be shut for nine hours and also bringing down parts of the city’s public transportation network to a grinding halt. Gujarat lies battered with 17 people getting killed and several missing. Of courses, thousands of people in low-lying areas were evacuated including shifting of covid patients to safer areas. Amidst a pall of gloom, what was most heartening was to witness both the center and affected states smoothly coordinating the disaster response by acting on a war footing in ensuring minimal inconveniences to people.
  • The only sore point to emerge from the latest cyclonic pounding is the initial failure of the India Meteorological Department to accurately predict the intensity of Tauktae clearly underlining the need to upgrade our weather observation systems warning us of imminent dangers in advance. Of course, rather than adopting knee-jerk reactions, it is advisable for the leading nations to sincerely contribute in addressing the issues of global warming with an achievable and realistic deadline. Otherwise, lesser countries will be at the receiving end of nature’s wrath relentlessly. Walk the talk and act fast, please!

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.