Karnataka Chief Minister’s Categorical Assertion Deserves Accolades!

  • Ever since the pandemic was announced, it was made known very clearly by the government authorities based on the experts’ view that the virulent virus is here to stay for quite some time. As there is no readily available vaccine to treat the infected to curb the menace, the social distancing norms along with side safety and health guidelines as issued by the authorities became de-facto measures to safeguard ourselves.

PC: airport technology

  • As clarified clearly, lockdowns imposed were primarily aimed at strengthening healthcare infrastructure and resources to combat the virus. Forecast shared from time to time by the authorities were explicit in mentioning that the lockdowns are not meant to eradicate the virus but to buy time for priming up preparedness. Testing, more testing, and some more testing alone would help plateau/flatten the curve, nothing else.
  • Experts and the authorities were never found wanting in declaring that we all must learn to live with the virus as continued lockdowns will not only debilitate the economic wheels of the country catastrophically but also would severely devastate the financial health of every sector without foreseeable respite. Despite clarifying the ways and means to proceed further, many States are resorting to lockdown measures even now.

PC: whatshot

  • The Karnataka Government too resorted to a similar measure in the capital and few other districts by reintroducing lockdown for a week as July witnessed a sudden spike in the infection rates. There are unconfirmed reports that the measure was necessitated based on the recommendations of the health experts. Much against his wishes, the Chief Minister had to concede owing to mounting pressure.
  • The jury is still out as to what is achieved or will be achieved in the immediate future on the back of the latest round of lockdown that ended today morning. It appeared rather forceful lacking any conviction. Thankfully, yesterday’s announcement by the Chief Minister in no uncertain terms mentioning the futility of resorting to lockdowns at the cost of tremendous strain on the economy underlines sensible assessment of the situation.

PC: worldgbc

  • The Chief Minister deserves accolades for categorically ruling out any further lockdown as a tool to battle out the virus. Instead, he urged the people to observe social distancing norms, wearing of masks and exhibit enough responsibility in maintaining desired standards of health. Couldn’t agree more with the gentleman. Time to make necessary adjustments mentally wherever required and to move on in our respective lives.

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.


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