Ladies! Avoid These Mistakes For Healthy Hairs

Perming,Hair-Straightening,Hair-Essential,Curling, Hair Mistakes, Hairs

Howdy Ladies! Are you facing too much hair fall? I am sure the answer is Yes! Around 41 per cent of women suffer from hair breakage almost every day. Losing hait from the roots is a result of high tech hair tools of course, like ironing, blow-drying, curling, hair straightening and even perming. Today I am going to talk about some mistakes that you have been making almost daily with your hairs. It will surely help you save your hairs from breaking away.

Avoid These 6 Hair Mistakes To Keep It Healthy & Beautiful

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1. Don’t Over Handle Your Hairs

Our hairs have become very fragile, and the credit goes to pollution. Over handling your hairs is one of the main reasons of hair breakage. Most of us follow the dictum even today to brush our hairs throughout the day and always make sure the make some 100 strokes. But that doesn’t hold true now. According to experts you should treat your hairs very gently. So stop over handling it, when you shampoo or comb your hairs.

2. Don’t Over Use Heating Appliances

Using heating appliances more than usual is considered to be very harmful for the hairs. These days women prefer using such appliances almost every day to style their hairs. But you need to understand that when hair comes in contact with high temperatures the cuticle gets damaged. Even blow-drying wet hair with high heat is also considered to be very bad for health. Always before using a heat styling appliance use a protective leave-in conditioner and serum. You can even use your blow dryer with a cold setting, the idea is to avoid high temperature.

Perming,Hair-Straightening,Hair-Essential,Curling, Hair Mistakes, Hairs

3. Stop Experimenting with Too Many Hair Products

These days there are so many new hair products available in the market, each and every one promises to make your hair look beautiful. But stop getting influenced by anything and everything. If you use too many hair products if will do more harm than good. I am not asking you to stop using them but minimise it as much as possible. Be careful when you use any hair product, always consider to take professionals help when you apply them.

4. Don’t Leave Your Hairs Oiled for Too Long

It is a myth that you should always leave your hairs oiled, but using excess oil or greasy oils on your hairs can lead to multiple hair problems. Yes, don’t be shocked, leaving your scalp oiled for too long can attracts dirt and grime which can block the pores leading to many sorts of hair problems. The best thing is to massage in hair oil and leave on for 15 to 30 minutes. Then shampoo it off thoroughly.

Perming,Hair-Straightening,Hair-Essential,Curling, Hair Mistakes, Hairs

5. Avoid Tight Hair Styles

Always avoid hairstyles which put a pressure on your hairs. Some of such hairstyles are pony tails, high buns and hair braids. These styles are too tight and they tug at the roots pointlessly.

6. Never Sleep with Wet Hairs

Many ladies prefer washing their hairs at night due to tight morning schedules, but it causes a lot of rubbing. If you sleep with wet hairs and move around it can cause a lot of frizz at the back of the head. Always dry your hairs before sleeping.

So stop making the above mistakes now and have healthy and strong hairs always.

Image Source: Image 1, Image 2, Image 3, Featured Image. 


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