7 Things Indians Expect From Smart Cities

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Jan 2016, the government had revealed names of the first 20 soon to be smart cities of India. These cities will get Rs 50,802 crore over five years to transform into ‘Smart Cities’. These funds will be given to solve various problems currently prevailing in these cities, like problems from power cuts, poor sanitation, traffic and much more.

Click on to see India’s first 20 Smart Cities

With the vision to see these smart cities soon, here is a list of 7 things that our Indian citizens expect from these Smart Cities.

What is India Expecting from Smart Cities?

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1. Solutions to Basic Problems

Many people see smart cities as an example of growth in terms of technology and infrastructure. But before planning for such advancement certain key issues needs immediate solutions. These issues are improper sanitation, inefficient waste management, clean water supply, housing for poor and various other issues. Such issues have been prevailing in India since ages if we do not get rid of them, then the idea of smart cities goes for a waste.

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2. Improved public transport

As general individuals we all look forward to an improved system of public transport. Something that is faster, easier and cheaper for commuting. We need to see people shifting from private to public transport, this will help significantly in mitigating inner city congestion. If the current conditions are improved and strengthen, then it will encourage individuals to use it and reduce the use of private vehicles.

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3. Intelligent Traffic Management Systems

Intelligent Traffic Management Systems is one of the most important expectations from the citizens, as this will help in reducing the Traffic Congestion. Intelligent Traffic Management Systems are needed to manage the city traffic via various ICT solutions.


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4. Space for Pedestrians & Parking

Citizens are expecting wide footpaths with some public seating at regular intervals. On the other hand, parking space is also one of the most integral part. Hopefully we can expect some good provisions made to cater to this one integral issue which again is prevailing without any proper solution.


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5. Safety of Residents

Safety of residents is another very important aspect which needs due attention. Initiatives needs to be taken to boost the safety of the residents. LED street lighting, video surveillance via a Common Control Centre are few measures which can assure safety to the residents.

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6. Lung spaces

Individuals are expecting a strong focus on developing more ‘lung spaces’ within the city. cycling, street furniture, jogging tracks, designated spaces hawkers, are few of them. Such beautification measures will enhance the aesthetics of the city. When we say Lung Spaces then we are actually demanding for a place where an individual can sit and relax. Today all we see in the cities is Jungles made of concrete. Beautification of the cities is very important as it ensures creating a healthy and a sustained environment.

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7. Protection against Natural Disasters

We cannot avoid Natural disasters, but at least create provisions to stay safe. Human interventions in terms of precautionary measures can help in minimising the losses to life and property. ICT-based disaster management techniques like sensors, weather forecasts, zero flooding zones, storm water management, can help to minimising the losses which occur during such disasters.

Well we have listed out our expectations, but the big question is still unanswered- Will government be able to deliver? The answers will come soon, let’s keep our fingers crossed till then.

Image Source: Image1, Image 2, Image 3, Image 4, Image 5, Image 6, Image 7, Featured Image.


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