Yet Another New Year and Many More Resolves That Usually Taper Away!

  • Except for those traditionalists and conservatives, most of us look forward to the English New Year with great anticipation as well as excitement. Since the general mood during the holiday season is one of festivities and revelry topped with the welcoming of the new year, people in general look forward to letting their hair down during this lovely period. The beautiful wintry weather in the last month of the year only adds to the sense of feeling exalted and excited to welcome the New Year with great verve. What is life after all if there is nothing to look forward to? Read somewhere that humans are genetically lazy and meant to relax by taking on life without feeling pressured.

Happy New Year

PC: HeloPlus

  • The moot point to ponder over here is whether it Is possible to stay monk-like and play along stoically in the hurly-burly challenges of the present times. The likely answer would be – it depends on how individual(s) perceive the way life should be led. As they say, each to his/her own. However, the power of the mind cannot be discounted, and it is here that humanity scores over other living beings. Not for nothing it is mentioned mind over matter allowing us to overcome difficulties and challenges by firming up our resolve. The New Year often allows us to firm up our resolve on matters of importance that otherwise we would have been forced to procrastinate without deciding to press ahead.
  • It could be simple matters like reading books regularly, indulging in physical activities like exercising, cycling, running, jogging, and some such things, or for that matter pursuing passions like singing, dancing, painting, etc. Every human being deep inside nurtures ambitions to be creative in more than one field and we are most capable of developing those hidden talents into something substantial provided the energy and resources are channeled in the right manner. Note that human beings are creatures formed from years of practice and conditioning. This is where the New Year resolve helps most of us to break from the rut of mundane occurrences by embracing anything that we were aspiring for long but could not owing to our wavering mind.


PC: The Times of India

  • Unfortunately, how often have we seen the resolution to adopt something as simple as an hour of exercise by registering for membership in a gymnasium right from the start of the New Year often get booted out for want of consistency, persistence, and strong will? Why not purposefully resolve to uphold the resolution taken by assiduously cultivating the practice into a habit? This calls for determined efforts by subjugating the extremely wavering mind into following instructions by keeping the negative thought processes at bay. Why not be counted among those minuscule percentages of people who successfully uphold the resolution by proving wrong the naysayers rather than be a part of most dropouts?
  • The choice rests with us. Again, this calls for a concerted effort to overcome many battles between the ears to stay focused. Remember, there is huge confidence gained while overcoming perceived challenges by taming the mind that only adds spring to our steps eventually. That feeling of euphoria cannot be simply explained. Let’s resolve to uphold New Year’s resolutions. What say, folks?

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.