Working for Success or Woking for Satisfaction?

  • Since times immemorial, humankind has left no stone unturned in carving out a niche in whatever fields or endeavors chosen keeping in line with the then prevalent situation/circumstances. As the evolution constantly kept churning out newer and newer innovations, inventions, and advancements hugely aided by the technological prowess of the time, humanity too embraced the changes with utmost diligence. Needless to mention, often mentioned caption that the only constant in life is nothing else but change keeps asserting, reasserting and reiterated to remind us to own whatever comes our way, if it suits us, without any qualms.


  • As can be observed, every single innovation welcomed by humankind has witnessed tremendous amounts of sweat, blood, efforts, energies, and sacrifices before turning into something worthwhile meant to be in use for millenniums. Improvisations on those novel inventions subsequently ensure the churning never ceases but perpetually keeps rolling for the betterment of humanity. As is the case with every innovation and improvisations, every such fresher idea originated somewhere from the deep recess of the mind of an individual(s) triggering pathbreaking creations hugely beneficial for the entire race.
  • Ideas were given a definite shape over a period by adopting the method of trial and error to arrive at any conclusive evidence worthy of acceptance. There is no way anybody can lay claim to have succeeded in achieving glory without ever having to spend a considerable amount on concerted efforts. History is replete with instances of glorious contributions coming from unknown sources least expected to leave behind a mark. Mistakes will be committed, and learning happens only when accepted with humble submission to move ahead. Likewise, one common denominator observed in all those memorable and immortal inventions is the adoption of sound work ethics.

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  • In my modest opinion, there are two distinct ways of looking at executing works that will stand the test of time affirming the inevitability of perseverance in varying degrees. Enterprising people who hanker for unbridled success usually will be rendered as a mere master limiting the reach and scope to a certain extent from scaling further or reaching never seen before heights. People hell-bent on chasing success at any cost would be considered as an achiever in their chosen field but would be restricted in their reach, scope, and impact to leave behind a lasting impression. On the other hand, no such issues can be acknowledged with people working for satisfaction.
  • Extremely passionate people, driven by unquestionable integrity, fierce loyalty, and striving to execute opted endeavor will always strive to seek and attain satisfaction rather than settle for personal glory. Trust me, those who leave no stone unturned to keep chugging along whilst executing chosen endeavors with utmost satisfaction will always be remembered for eternity joining the ranks of legends for extraordinary achievements. These marquee achievers are the ones who are likely to leave behind a legacy worthy of emulation as well as adulation. Thus, wholeheartedly embracing working for satisfaction would help us go places for sure.

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.


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