Will Donald Trump’s Total Triumph Usher in Dramatic Changes in the US?

  • For the global community eagerly watching with bated breath the unfolding occurrences in the most anticipated election in the United States of America would have received their answers unambiguously. All those predictions about Democrat candidate Kamala Harris becoming the first woman president – and a black one at that – eventually turned out to be a mere guesstimate as the Republican candidate Donald Trump upset the predictions big time. How even those swing states swayed to the tunes of the Don is a spectacular achievement that the president-elect should be proud of. The overwhelming majority of people choosing the maverick leader speak volumes about how the citizens of the USA view migration -the crux – as the biggest challenge.


PC: AP News

  • Assessing the victory of Trump would also reveal how the transitional leader managed to win the trifecta of administration and control viz. the presidency, the House of Representatives, and the Senate hands down. Undoubtedly, Trump’s trifecta has GOP speaking as one. Expect a push on ideology, more than drastic shifts in the economy. For the uninitiated, trifectas have been common, but since the 2000s it has been getting shorter with midterm elections changing how they stack up. Look at how Clinton, Obama, Trump, and Biden all became presidents in trifectas, but only for a couple of years till the midterms. Trifectas cause some dismay because the balance of power is set aside since it controls, makes rules, and dominates everything.
  • Trump’s trifecta in 2016, however, was far removed from today’s reality – he faced strong resistance from own party members. Trump couldn’t even repeal his Aim No. 1, Obamacare, because of divisions among Republicans. This time, his control is more total. And not just over the legislature and executive, but over much of the judiciary, long stacked by his appointees. The world is anxious expectedly. Europe is bracing for both tariffs and Trump’s impact on Nato goals and funds. It’s exactly how Trump wants it, his supposed unpredictability his calling card. Not for nothing did he add riders to his promise of tariffs on China. He told the Wall Street Journal’s editorial board that Beijing wouldn’t dare provoke him because Xi knows he’s crazy.


PC: Fox News

  • If China were to blockade Taiwan, he’d tax Beijing 150% to 200%. Yes, there’s bipartisanship on Israel and China. So, the trifecta’s intensity, unanimity, and free pass will be felt on the home front, by the people. Republicans are lined up like a row of ducks behind Trump, seeing in his new term an opportunity to push through ideology. It is the potential of a trifecta that has returned the controversial Project 2025 to the conversation. The fundamental Trump is transactional, and he’ll likely be as much so on hard-right goals as on tariffs. Given the business interests of Republicans and GOP’s major funders, Big Tech included, an outrageous tariff policy is unlikely. The pulls and pushes of pure politics and business interests will temper Trump’s policy going forward.

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Krishna MV
Krishna is a Post Graduate with specialization in English Literature and Human Resource Management, respectively. Having served the Indian Air Force with distinction for 16 years, Armed Forces background definitely played a very major role in shaping as to who & what he is right now. Presently, he is employed as The Administrator of a well known educational institute in Bangalore. He is passionate about sharing thoughts by writing articles on the current affairs / topics with insightful dissection and offering counter / alternate views thrown in for good measure. Also, passionate about Cricket, Music – especially vintage Kannada & Hindi film songs, reading – non-fictional & Self-Help Books, and of course, fitness without compromising on the culinary pleasures.